How Ayahuasca Changed My Life
I participated in 12 Ayahuasca ceremonies with close to two-dozen other guests hailing from all parts of the globe, each there in search of some form of unique healing
How To Consume Edibles And Not Lose Your Mind
Tiny chocolates with micro-doses to Homer Simpson esque donuts, edibles have come a long way since first saw the Truffle Guy in Dolores Park
Why Finding a Therapist is like Dating: How to find “ The One.”
If you’ve ever tried looking for a therapist, you may have noticed it can feel eerily similar to another tedious search in your life…dating. We asked a Psychotherapist about what interview questions someone should ask a potential therapist and how to find ‘the one’
How To Crash All of Apple’s Best WWDC Parties For Free
Apple’s big, fancy WWDC conference is next week, and you’re not going. But you can go the afterparties, even if you’re not registered for this $1,600-a-pop developer conference June 13-17 in San Francisco. Several startups are busting out other people’s money to throw their various branded afterparties and soirees, so
How to Cook Peanut Butter Curry W/ Mint Basmati Rice
The mint infused basmati is a really refreshing contrast to the spicy curry. I used chicken, but for a vegetarian option use whole button mushrooms, a mix of peppers and courgette.
Broke-Ass Guide to Portland
Ah Portland, it’s like San Francisco only with flowers and nice people. Here’s a starter guide to doing the city on the cheap
Bernie vs. Hillary: The Real Popular Vote Count
Hillary Bots and Bernie Bros can both agree that Sec. Clinton’s Democratic Primary lead of 3 million votes cannot be considered accurate if it does not include caucus voters’ results. So what would the vote count be if caucuses were included? After Shaun King’s recent (and mostly correct) proclamation that
The Greatest Instagram Account…Ever
Hello and welcome to the greatest Instagram account…maybe ever. This account is not great because it uses fancy photography or because it is hosted by a celebrity tween, NO. It is great because it features two pigs wearing people clothes. That’s right, ‘Priscilla’ and ‘Poppleton’ Pig have 619k followers on Instagram for a reason…because