Learn How to Create Music on Your Phone, Glitch Art, Stereoscopic gifs and More w/ Doctor Popular
This seems pretty fucking rad, but as I’m also pretty fucking slammed I’m just gonna cut and paste what Doctor Popular sent me by email. All this is happening at The Secret Alley. Now a word from the good doctor himself: Know and Tell is a series of creative workshops

Why Art Incubators, Not Tech Incubators, Might be Just the Thing San Francisco Needs
The bay area has managed to invest zillions in tech incubators and engineering talent, but what about investing in the artistic talent that makes our city unique, creative, and interesting? Once upon a time this city nourished the likes of Mark Twain, Jack Kerouac, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Jack London & the Dead Kennedys. But

Which Famous A**holes are Going to Burning Man This Year?
Not going to Burning Man 2014? Congratulations! You will avoid the risk of personally encountering these a**holes. Many prominent a**holes from news, tech and entertainment have already articulated via social media or public commentary that they are inclined to attend the Burning Man festival in 2014. These famous people going

Local Legend Of The Week: Poet and Criminal Janey Smith
We here at like to show love to the people who make cities like San Francisco and New York special. That’s why we’ve begun doing a new series called Local Legend of the Week. This is our chance to hip you to some of the strange, brilliant, and unique folks who populate these towns and give them the character that people from around the world have come to love.

The Top 10 Most Popular Articles of All Time. You’ll be Surprised!
I’ve been running this silly, strange, and occasionally beautiful website since 2008. That’s six fucking years! Holy shit! In that time I’ve been lucky to have some really amazing contributors and together we’ve created some spectacular content. I just sat down to chef lout what the best posts of all time

California Community College Enrollment and Survival: Advice to the Independent Financial Aid Student
Next month – most classes start August 18 – most of you ugly mugs will descend like locusts upon community college campuses with hopes of receiving your certificate in being an assistant to a nurse’s assistant. But, you haven’t enrolled in your classes yet. You’re sleepin’ and you’re a dummy. ENROLL NOW.

Advice to the Independent Financial Aid Student: FAFSA, BOG Fee, EOP&S
Some of us aren’t lucky to have parents financially secure enough to pay for our education. Others aren’t lucky enough to be completely destitute to the point where we can have a good portion of our entire education subsidized by the government. Some are in the middle; making just enough to scrape by, but making

Win Two FREE Tix To: Too $hort @ Public Works!
After over twenty-years with defunct Jive Records, East Oakland’s own Too $hort has come full circle to tell you “how it all began.” He’s back to basics and on the independent grind that first put him on the map. But, this time with a live band! He’ll be performing tracks from