Advice to the Independent Financial Aid Student: FAFSA, BOG Fee, EOP&S
Some of us aren’t lucky to have parents financially secure enough to pay for our education. Others aren’t lucky enough to be completely destitute to the point where we can have a good portion of our entire education subsidized by the government. Some are in the middle; making just enough to scrape by, but making

Win Two FREE Tix To: Too $hort @ Public Works!
After over twenty-years with defunct Jive Records, East Oakland’s own Too $hort has come full circle to tell you “how it all began.” He’s back to basics and on the independent grind that first put him on the map. But, this time with a live band! He’ll be performing tracks from

How to Survive as a Broke-Ass Writer in San Francisco
Being a Broke-Ass Writer in San Francisco is only tricky if you try to get your start as a writer in San Francisco. This is a seven by seven mile city with a small number of serious online publications and newspapers. If you’re serious about getting published in serious media outlets,

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: How to Have a Kick-Ass, Broke-Ass Independence Day!
St. Patrick and Mr. De Mayo have fun holidays named after them, but at some point we have to acknowledge that we as a nation are guilty of using cultural appropriation (ie: Miley Cyrus) as a reason to get blitzed on a weekday. Shame on all of you: you need

A Guide to Fighting Street Harassment: How Bystanders Can Best Intervene on Behalf of Women Being Harassed
Enough is Enough street rally, image courtesy Street harassment in the Bay Area has gotten so bad that women are putting duct tape on their mouths, removing their clothes in public and holding silent protests with signs recounting the ugly and awful remarks male aggressors make to them on

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Romance on the Cheap
Ah, l’amour: the joy of two souls finding one another, holding hands, whispering sweet nothings, and sharing a Netflix account (that’s commitment, friends. That’s real life). If you are not in love at the moment, that’s ok! Just go read something else because your loneliness is killing my vibe.

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Making Awesome $10 dinners
I’ll let you in on a little secret: I eat a lot of raw vegetables, not because I’m doing a raw-cleanse, but because I’m lazy. Just. So. Lazy. I suffer from an illness known as “hangry” (hungry + angry). Symptoms include eating humane portions throughout the day until I arrive

Entertaining for the Poor as F*ck: Cheap gifts for Father’s Day
A still from last year’s Thanksgiving Unless he went out for cigarettes and never came back, your dad is one of the top five most important people in your life (somewhere in the mix with mom, Elvis, and Nicholas Cage). Have you ever heard the maxim, “I brought you into