
01 Apr 2023

BART to Add Bars & Booze to All Commuter Trains

April 1st, 2023. BREAKING NEWS – Let’s get a beer on BART! It’s finally happening folks!  BART plans on combating budget concerns by adding dining cars with full bars and a bartender to each commuter train. The ridership on BART has had a steep decline over the last few years with

Katy Atchison 0
01 Apr 2023

Paltrow Vows to “Turn Ski Bum Bones into Broth” on Hot Mic

April 1st, 2023. BREAKING NEWS –  Nearly 7 years ago, a ski collision put Gweneth Paltrow back in the headlines when she was sued for damage caused by an accident that left the other skier with lasting brain trauma. On Thursday, Paltrow won her court battle after a jury decided the

Katy Atchison 0
29 Mar 2023

The KFC Double Down is the Most Horrifying Thing I’ve Ever Eaten

It started as all things do in my life: an impulse. Having genetic predispositions to heavy alcohol consumption, a paradigm of “no risk, no reward,” and good old bad friends who know I’ll do almost anything if it comes to a dare (we won’t get into psycho-analyzing that today), the

The Golden Gate Bridge.
26 Mar 2023

I’m Dating Karl the Fog And It’s Going Really Well

The Bay Area has received a pounding from multiple atmospheric rivers and a bomb cyclone this past month. We’ve experienced a flying couch, downed trees, and more blackouts than an annual pass to Disneyland. After all this hardship,  I’d like to remind you of our kinder, perennial weather: Karl the Fog. Specifically, I’d like to announce that I’ve been dating Karl for a few years now. And it’s going really well. 

Guest Writer 0
14 Feb 2023

Oakland’s Satirical News Source Back In Action

Bay Area humorists, rejoice: Oakland’s premier satirical news source is back.  If you’ve lived here since circa 2012 (or, like me, you left and came back), you may remember Oakland Unseen. The satire specialist covered local controversies like Occupy Oakland, police brutality, and the annual unwashed tide of Burning Man

Jake Warren 0
09 Feb 2023

Uber SF Ads Obviously Written by Someone Who’s Never Been to SF

Several Uber ads placed in SFO use the wrong language and even images that are not of San Francisco.

02 Feb 2023

Fred Armisen’s Comedy for Bass Players (but Everyone is Welcome)

I don’t think Fred Armisen needs an introduction, but for journalism purposes here it goes: he is one of the funniest people alive! He did SNL. Portlandia, Documentary Now!, Los Espookys and was recently on Wednesday besides many other great shows. One of my very favorites is his Netflix special:

Patricia Colli 0
12 Jan 2023

The Atmospheric River has a Twitter, & He’s Kind of a Dick

Meteorologists and local news channels have been pretty creative in labeling the recent storm systems in California. We’ve seen ‘bomb cyclone’, and even ‘pineapple express’, but it looks like the media has settled on “Atmospheric River” as the dominant label for these storms.  Partly because of a certain parody twitter

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