
Oakland Theater Project Brings Blood & Corpses to The Stage
A clown pulls himself through a pile of corpses. He’s just escaped the gallows by offering his janitorial services. It’s his lucky day? Welcome to Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus at The Oakland Theater Project. Blood, corpses, disgruntled maids and a very healthy dose of camp await you. Oh!

The “Avg. Couples” from Bay Area Cities According to Ai
Think of what the “average couple” from San Francisco looks like. Go ahead and close your eyes, dream it up. Is it an actual couple you know who lives there perhaps? Is it a combination of famous faces you identify with the city? A newscaster and a famous athlete? Maybe

Sinkhole Pops Up On Fillmore Street In Pacific Heights & Other Bay Area News
The Bay Area is a place with a lot going on and it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the articles and talking heads. So I’ve done a quick summary of some of the most important shit happening in the Bay Area right now. Sinkhole Pops Up On Fillmore Street

Amazingly Bad Pet Portraits Offered by Oakland Animal Services
Every now and again something amazing happens in the world of bad, pet art. And when that happens, rest assured is on the case! Oakland Animal Services announced the kickoff of its 4th annual Bad Art Fundraiser! Meaning you can donate to help sheltered animals in the Bay Area

Move over Barbie. There’s a New Doll in Town and she’s gotta Knife.
Lil’ Schatzie lived on top of the Deli counter for many years, smiling and greeting customers daily. Her bloody apron covered her pink sparkly evening gown, and with her white silky meat-stained evening gloves, she held that knife of hers up proud and high, even though she had a chunk ‘o Headcheese dangling from her stiletto heel below. No one noticed the tiny tear trickling down her cheek.

How To Be A Less Annoying Bay Area Gentrifier
Gentrification is inherently a touchy subject in the Bay Area. Everyone calls everyone else a gentrifier all the time. Most people don’t actually know what gentrification is. So, first, let’s define it. Gentrification: a process in which a poor area experiences an influx of middle-class or wealthy people who renovate

Drag & Trans Performers Give The Real Queer Sex and The City Re-boot We All Wanted
And just like that, drag queens saved my life. Not that my life was in danger, besides the general impending doom that exists in the world today around queer and trans people. What I mean to say is, last night drag performers made me full-body cackle for two hours straight and it was the purest joy I have experienced in a long time.