Sex and Dating

13 May 2009

Be a Better Masturbator

Ok, so let’s say you’re looking to do something cheap today but don’t feel like sitting on the hard bleachers at a $2 baseball game and don’t wanna watch movies with a bunch of people who are too cool to put brakes on their bicycles.   Perhaps you just feel like learning better ways

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
11 May 2009

Get Sprung: A Spring Date Playlist

Spring is in the air, you’re horny, you’re outside, and you wanna listen to music?  Well, here’s a list of 5 pretty sweet new tunes to create the right mood, and/or spark up just the right conversation that will eventually lead to a blow job.  Just kidding, I hate blow

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
09 May 2009

Operation DUMBO Date: A Cheap Date Idea

So, you have an upcoming date, but don’t want to/can’t spend any money?  Or, maybe you’ve exhausted the netflix queue with your significant other and want to do something different without being too extravagant. Strap on that parachute, kids, because I’m about to lay some some Operation DUMBO Drop-sized knowledge

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
04 May 2009

I Hope You Get Swine Flu: 5 Dating Behaviors That Drive Me Mad (Cow Disease)

Sometimes when you meet people there are things about them that allow you to quickly identify them as a “loser”.  But that’s not what this is about.  Today I’m talking about things people do once you’ve moved beyond the getting to know each other stage and have been dating for

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
27 Apr 2009

Are You Dating A Grifter? This Post Might Save Your Life

By now, we’ve heard all about the Hipster Grifter, aka Kari Ferrell aka Korean Abdul “Jamar.” If you just can’t get enough of this broad, you can go here, here, here, here, here or even here if you want to see her naked. You know what, though, kids?  You don’t

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
20 Apr 2009

The Dildo: Facing the Competition

Last week, at an undisclosed location, in an unattended bathroom, a dildo fell into sight from its hiding spot behind some shampoo.  I laughed.  Then, when I picked it up, I realized that I had NEVER actually touched a dildo before.  Strange, considering I feel like I’ve seen and done

15 Apr 2009

FREE Vibrator at Babeland for Tax Day

I’ll shoot this one off since it is time sensitive. Today, the first 100 in store customers at Babeland get a FREE “Gold Digger” vibrator with its classy jewel studded base ($20 price tag, infinite value).  When the giveaway vibrator bucket is empty, the less enjoyable savings continue with Babeland 

13 Apr 2009

Anna G.’s Cheatsheet to Getting Over Him or Her

Breaking up, for the most part, pretty much sucks, regardless if you are the one doing the breaking up or the one being broken up with.  I’m not gonna lie, though, being the dumpee totally sucks way worse.  The only thing that’s really going to make you feel better is

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0