Workers Rights

03 Sep 2020

Gov. Workers Use Gyms and Politicians Can Get Haircuts Indoors, Why Can’t We?

Due to shelter in place orders, indoor use of gyms as well as hair salons and barbershops have been banned since March for the public, but not for government employees. This week we saw a very vocal ‘shelter in place’ advocate on the national political stage, caught getting her haircut

24 Aug 2020

COVID Has Changed Some Customers For the Worse

Restaurant customers sure have changed over the last few months. When outdoor dining first became the new normal and restaurants could serve indoors at lower capacity levels, diners slowly ventured back out into the world, eager to eat a meal they didn’t prepare themselves and have it served by someone

Bitchy Waiter 0
31 Jul 2020

Curbside Concerts Let’s You Hire Musicians to Play in Front of Your Home

The shuttering of live music venues across the country due to COVID, has made things incredibly difficult for musicians and bands. It’s been over five months since live music has become verboten, creating a situation where millions of performers can no longer make a living. Luckily the folks at Curbside Concerts

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Jul 2020

How to Tell if a Company Really Supports BLM

To get a clearer picture on whether a company actually supports BLM, or just engages in opportunist window-dressing, you can take any and all of the following steps:

Guest Writer 0
21 Jul 2020

Waiting Tables is a Real Job

Every single person who has waited tables has, at some point, had someone tell them their job isn’t “real.” When a server hears those words, their blood begins to boil, quickly becoming hotter than the inside of a fried cheese stick that just came out of the deep fryer. There

Bitchy Waiter 0
06 Jul 2020

Jackie Fielder is the Fresh Progressive Voice We Need in the State Senate

California D-11 State Senate candidate Jackie Fielder, like her incumbent opponent State Senator Scott Wiener, is out and proud. But there the similarities between the two candidates end. Fielder, at age 25, is half her opponent’s age. She also lays claim to an ethnic heritage combining President Racist-In-Chief’s twin bete

29 Jun 2020

Is the Internet Worth it? Do The Good Parts Outweigh the Bad?

The story goes that when the Great Library of Alexandria burned down in 48 B.C., it had a copy of every book in the “known world.” Its destruction represented the annihilation of so much of the world’s knowledge that humanity lost things that are now gone forever. What’s remarkable is that each of us holds, in our pocket or bag, a device that connects us to infinitely more information than could have ever been held in a million Great Libraries.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
25 Jun 2020

I Might Be Waiting Tables Again Soon and I’m Nervous

On the last shift I worked in my restaurant, business had already slowed to a trickle with fewer and fewer customers feeling comfortable going out in public, but it was before anything had truly been shutdown. That night, my husband and three of our friends came in to have a

Bitchy Waiter 0