
Boooo! ‘The Princess Bride’ Cast Reunites to Kick Trumperdinck Out of Office
“The Princess Bride” is that movie that works every time you need a lift, like comfort food for weary souls in inconceivable times. So, in this hellscape we call 2020, what could be more nourishing than a cast reunion reading? How about a reunion used as a fundraiser for Wisconsin

Recordings Prove Trump Intentionally Lied to Public About Virus Threat
“This is deadly stuff.” On Feb. 7, Donald Trump told journalist and biographer Bob Woodward that he knew COVID-19 was deadly, “more deadly than even your strenuous flu.” But months after that acknowledgement, the public facing narrative coming from the White House and directly from the president was that things

Americans Need to Take More Personal Responsibility
A version of this originally appeared in my Broke-Ass City column for the San Francisco Examiner The Right uses the term “personal responsibility” as a weapon. They use it to demonize poor people for being born into a system that keeps them poor. They tell middle-class people that their taxes

How to Make Sure Your Vote is Counted in These Broken times
Here’s how voting will work this year, during the pandemic. And here’s how the Internet can help you get it done.

Gov. Workers Use Gyms and Politicians Can Get Haircuts Indoors, Why Can’t We?
Due to shelter in place orders, indoor use of gyms as well as hair salons and barbershops have been banned since March for the public, but not for government employees. This week we saw a very vocal ‘shelter in place’ advocate on the national political stage, caught getting her haircut

We Want to Give You an Amazing Air Purifier for Your Home!
Horizon’s True HEPA filtration removes 99.97% of, particles and allergens, including SMOKE, dust, pet dander, mold spores and pollen, larger than 0.3 microns in size from the air that passes through it.

Militia Teen Kills Two Protesters After Far-Right Violence Warnings Go Ignored
A self-described militia group calling themselves the Kenosha Guard on Facebook had scheduled a Tuesday “call to arms” event, which was promoted by Infowars with an event listing page screenshot. Before it was taken down, the event page said: “Any patriots willing to take up arms and defend our city

What it’ll Be Like Attending Burning Man via Virtual Reality This Year
It’s technically been years in the making, but with only two weeks left before Burn Week it’s also time to finalize 3D models, particle effects, and interactions from dozens of theme camps participating in the BRCvr virtual world, as part of the globally-connected virtual Burning Man in 2020.