
18 Aug 2015

The Very Best Karaoke Bars in the East Bay

I love karaoke. I love it more than some of my family members and I am totally chill with that. So on that note, take my hand and together let us explore some of the finest establishments in the East Bay where you can croon to your little black heart’s content.

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets 0
18 Aug 2015

Mission United Por Vida: Hard French’s ¡Miercoles Gigante! @ El Río (8/19)

The power of one image has defined this entire summer on 24th Street and likely will for many to come, temporal as it may be. When Manuel Paul’s Por Vida was unveiled on June 13th, not only did it provide the perfect bookend to Amy Martínez,  Vero Majano and Kari

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
17 Aug 2015

Win Tickets To Atmosphere At The Greek Berkeley!

As the soundtrack to my wake-and-bake-working-at-home-depot days, Atmosphere’s Slug and Ant have evolved alongside my life. With their new (and 12th) album, Southsiders, Atmosphere is still pushing the boundaries of what indie rap can mean. While Southsiders is a celebration of the group’s fortitude, it is also a deeply introspective, and sometimes

illyannam 0
17 Aug 2015

The Best comedic Movies Starring Women

Are you missing out on some glorious celebrations of lady-humor that have less blockbuster appeal and more of a cult following? Don’t worry, dude. I got you.

Candace Cui - Actual Unicorn 0
17 Aug 2015

Rain Porn

It’s like food porn, only with heavenly rain. With the heatwave and drought, we could all use a little rain. WARNING, these pictures may make you thirsty, horny, light headed, sleepy… or simply make you want to move to a rain forest

16 Aug 2015


I left the open house feeling dizzy—I mean, one-point-eight million dollars for a box? How was I supposed to afford that? Let alone live in something so small?

15 Aug 2015

Planet Booty To Film Concert @ The New Parish

Planet Booty’s last show in the Bay this summer, and they will be filming it.  So if you’d like to be part of the booty fueled mayhem, and perhaps end up on a controversial albeit sexy video on Youtube…this is your chance. (Spoiler alert) their shows are a great time,


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