
Why Does Flying Suck So Much?
Written By: Ian Firstenberg Airports are Hell. Airlines are the Devil. To purge the evil, the government should use the same strategy it employed against the railroad: seize it. It’s unclear whether it’s the barrage of bright neon colored advertising, the prison cell sized workspaces, the perpetual delays or the

How to Avoid Long Security Lines at the Airport for the Holidays
Your alarm goes off. “Fuck…” you mumble to yourself. Your mouth tastes like bad decisions and your tongue feels like sandpaper. You’re not sure if you’re hungover or still drunk but you know you’re in such bad shape that you’re even creating new swearwords, “Oh Jesus fuckhammer” you groan. Then

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

MiFlight: Never Show Up to the Airport Hungover Again!
Your alarm goes off. “Fuck…” you mumble to yourself. Your mouth tastes like bad decisions and your tongue feels like sandpaper. You’re not sure if you’re hungover or still drunk but you know you’re in such bad shape that you’re even creating new swearwords, “Oh Jesus fuckhammer” you groan. Then

How to Sleep on an Airplane
There’s got to be a better way! Sleeping on planes: Is it possible? If I had a dime for everyone I’ve ever heard say, “I just can’t sleep on a plane,” I would have at least $5. I used to be one of those people; I sat in that 14-square-inch

Broke-Ass Travel: Cramming All Your Stuff In a Carry-on To Avoid Checking a Bag
I hate when places charge extra money for what are pretty much essential services. Airlines are the worst at this. Last time I flew Delta, I had to pay for the in-flight movie, which I consider an outrage. I need that movie in order to forget that at any moment