Bitchy Waiter

Waiters & Bartenders are Funding a Movie about a Killer Karen
There’s always room on the cinematic landscape for another horror movie and a new one is on the horizon. We’re So Dead is a restaurant-based horror/comedy movie that is soon to go into production. Full disclosure: this passion project is that of this writer. I’ve written dozens of restaurant related

5 Things That Can Ruin a Server’s Day Before the Restaurant Even Opens
Far too often, customers are the scapegoat for making the day of a restaurant server a miserable one. But alas, dear customers, for it is not only you who know how to spoil a shift. We servers are quite capable of having a soul-crushing shift and it might have absolutely nothing to do with you.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

4 Things Your Server Does Not Want To Hear You Talking About
Restaurant servers basically have bionic ears. Years of working in places with music that’s too loud in rooms with poor acoustics, have trained their audible senses to be able to pick up the slightest sound. It might seem like we can’t hear you, but we can. We just hear

5 Times Your Server Wants to Laugh at You
Restaurant servers are great actors. They must present the image that they are happy to be at work and eager to serve people while behind that facade, they are very often the exact opposite. If it was possible to earn money with a “poker face” waiters and waitresses wouldn’t need

5 Things Restaurants Need to Say Goodbye To in 2023
Can we please be finished with the little buzzers that tell customers when their table is ready? We have cell phones that can do that without having to hold a piece of plastic that lights up and vibrates like a toy from the 90s.

The Do’s and Don’ts of New Year’s Eve in a Restaurant
For better or for worse, we’ve made it through another year. In just a few short days, the dumpster fire of 2022 will be in our collective rearview mirrors and we’ll have a shiny new year ahead of us. Twelve months from now we’ll call 2023 a dumpster fire too,

This Is What Your Food Delivery Person Wants You to Know
Whether you use Uber Eats, Seamless, DoorDash, or the Pony Express, food delivery apps are as common as a cold. Every time you log in to your app of choice for some Pad Thai or a burrito, that means someone will soon be knocking on your door to satiate your

This is What Servers Want For the Holidays
What your server actually wants for the holidays.