
Token up at Brooklyn Brewery
I find it way easier to spend things that represent money than actual money, even though it takes actual money to get the things that represent it. Which is a confusing way of saying I think it’s pretty awesome that Brooklyn Brewery uses wooden tokens as currency for beer, and

Brooklyn Mac: Just Break Your New Years Resolution Already
So remember that awesome coffee place CUP, you guys? Wellllll, guess what just opened up literally next door? A MOTHER EFFING MAC AND CHEESE PLACE called Brooklyn Mac. They name all of their mac and cheeses after different Brooklyn neighborhoods, and they have 3 different sizes– which really just answers

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

FREE Svedka for “Being Human” Series Premiere
If the Twilight series has taught us anything, and it has clearly taught us so, so much, it is that being a sexy vampire or werewolf is a terrible hardship that ironically gets you no sex whatsoever. Unless of course you’re a happily married vampire — then you can have

Hot Tubbin’ Mondays with Kurt and Kristen at Littlefield
Although Kurt Braunohler and Kristen Schaal are famous for more prestigious things–she has been on Flight of the Conchords, Daily Show, Dinner for Schmucks and more, and Kurt has been on um, well, I saw him at a Wolf Parade show once so I know he has really good taste in

Grassroots Tavern: A St Marks Refuge
Walk down St.Marks Place on any given evening and you’re bound to see the usual mix of crust-punks hanging onto a scene that nolonger exists, hordes of NYU students in search of half-price sushi, and tourists picking over counterfeit sunglasses embracing the “New York” experience. While the street has gone

Cheese-Covered fun at The Levee
I first fell in love with The Levee in the same way I fell in love with watching old re-runs of “Cops”… I couldn’t can’t resist its guaranteed cheap thrills. It doesn’t try too hard, just delivers a large drink selection for wallets big and small, gives us kids some

Tips for Outsmarting Our Snowy Overlords
So, um, yeahh, it’s been several days since the East Coast Snowpocalypse 2K10, and ummm, there’s still a shitload of snow everywhere. Especially if you live in any of the outer boroughs. At the time of this writing anyway, I STILL can’t walk on either of the sidewalks bordering the

Just Another Roadside Attraction
For someone who doesn’t own a car and who’s points on their license renders them barely insurable, I actually love driving. More specifically, I love road trips. I’ve never done the drive across America pilgrimage, but sometimes it doesn’t take more than a 20 mile radius to find weird shit