Comedy Central

15 Feb 2017

We wanna send you to see Bret Ernst!

Bret is considered one of the best comedians in the business today, and has been written up in trade magazines like THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER and VARIETY, as well as being mentioned in national magazines like MAXIM, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, and ROLLING STONE. His COMEDY CENTRAL PRESENTS was voted one of the

illyannam 0
11 Feb 2016

Feminists to Auction Off Bachelors for Planned Parenthood

Female comedians are selling off live male bachelors at a Valentine’s weekend comedy event that will have you snort-laughing while raising money for Planned Parenthood. Enter the Matriarchy, A Valentine’s Day Celebration provides anti-patriarchal Valentine’s hilarity with SF’s funniest female comedians featuring Kate Willett and Rachel Lark, and auctioning off

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
24 Nov 2015

Win Tickets to Drunk History’s Kyle Kinane @ the Punchline!

      He is the guy on Drunk History who knocks back an entire bottle of tequila and pukes into a trash bag. He is on Conan in a wool hat pulled over his eyes, sighing: “You ever see an abandoned TV dinner in the beer aisle? Yeah, that’s

illyannam 0
10 Nov 2014

FREE Comedy: Fortress of Attitude presents: Comedy is Back at Q.E.D. in Queens

On Wednesday, November 12 comedic rock band Fortress of Attitude (FoA) is back, and they’re bringing comedy back with them! Pat Stango, Clayton Gumbert & Gregg Zehentner will be entertaining you an evening of stand-up, sketches, skits, and skitches. (Yes. Skitches.) All of this will be taking place at 7:30pm

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
17 Jul 2013

FREE Friday Night Comedy: Late Night Basement w/ Chris Rose at the Pine Box Rock Shop

Once again, Late Night Basement hosted by Chris Rose, one of the most entertaining (and FREE) comedy shows in Brooklyn has returned! On Friday, July 19th, at the Pine Box Rock Shop, the show will feature NY1’s 16 year-veteran newscaster, Pat Kierman, who has made cameos in Iron Man 3

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
26 Feb 2013

2-for-1 tickets to comedian Chris Fairbanks tonight at Milk

Tonight comedian Chris Fairbanks (Comedy Central, Conan, Jimmy Kimmel Live!) will be performing on the weekly show I run at Milk. I’ve been a huge fan of Chris for years now, so getting the chance to perform with him on stage is incredibly exciting for me. Since I still eat pizza out

Eric Barry - Starving Fartist 0
22 Feb 2013

Fortress of Attitude FREE Comedy Show TONIGHT in SoHo

It’s time for another night of laughs with our favorite comedy rock band, Fortress of Attitude. Be prepared to be introduced to the new Pope and the Oscar winner for Best Picture at the Fortress of Attitude apartment located in SoHo. Tonight’s guests include Christian Finnegan (Comedy Central; TBS’ Are

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0
09 Nov 2012

Comedy Musician’s Coalition presents: Solid Gold! TONIGHT at ACE Hotel

As a part of Comedy Central’s New York Comedy Festival, the Comedy Musician’s Coalition presents Solid Gold! at the ACE Hotel in the heart of New York City. Tonight you will have the chance to witness many hilarious comedic musicians featuring many local acts, including host Jessica Delfino, Mark Douglas,

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage 0