
The 22nd San Francisco Documentary Film Festival is Here!
The month of June is here, which means it’s time for the return of the S.F. Documentary Film Festival (hereafter “S.F. DocFest”). This festival, now in its 22nd year. Is an offshoot of the well-respected San Francisco Independent Film Festival. This year’s S.F. DocFest is a hybrid event running June

New Things to Watch on Hulu This February 2023
This February on Hulu will be a month to say several goodbyes. The Millionaires will get ready to start saying goodbye to a close-knit group of friends. The WB Studios water tower residents will hopefully end their return with a bang. And John Singleton’s semi-fictionalization of the 1980s Los Angeles

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The SF Documentary Festival is Here and it Looks Fantastic
The San Francisco Documentary Festival (aka DocFest) has long earned its reputation for cheerfully screwing with the familiar air of film festival stodginess. Sure, DocFest presents film screenings and appearances by film talent, just like other film festivals. But do other festivals also present a heavy metal karaoke party, a chance to ridicule bad art with like-minded others, or “Breakfast Club” Bingo?

Oscar Nominated Films You Should Know
No matter if you’re a film junkie, indie elitist or you cling onto every review from Rotten Tomatoes, you’ll either watch the Oscars or hear endlessly about who won what. Cinema has been everything from entertainment to an escape for millions of movie-goers for over 100 years. Whether your preference

20 Years of Madness: A Doc about the TV Show You’d Have Made as a Teen
Guest post by Joseph Bien-Kahn Twenty-two years ago, in a suburb north of Detroit, four kids sat in front of a green screen on a living room set—beat up couch, green-brown recliner, and a fake plant—to create some sort of unsettling acid trip dubbed the “The Jerry White Jr. Show”.

10 Documentaries Needed for True NYC Appreciation
New York City is and has been a melting pot of different cultures since the beginning of European colonization. It has also been a place where many of our favorite pop culture moments and social justice movements have begun. An inspirational and exasperating city, here are a few documentaries to

Nina Simone, Janis Joplin and Laurie Anderson Documentaries On Tap This Weekend at Doc Stories Festival
It’s Christmas for documentary nerds this weekend as the Doc Stories festival starts tonight and plays all weekend at the Vogue Theater. You’ve got a Nina Simone documentary, a Janis Joplin documentary, a ‘vigilantes vs. drug cartel’ documentary and Laurie Anderson’s documentary about her dead dog. I swear to god

FREE Rooftop Films: Occupy Wall Street Film Series Dec. 13th-16th
Rooftop Films has decided to support the Occupy Wall Street movement in one of the most awesome ways possible: FREE films! From Dec. 13-16, four films featuring issues that helped ignite the movement will be shown at various theaters throughout New York. According to the Rooftop Films’