Fake News

Recognizing Fake News Now a Required Subject in California Schools
By Carolyn Jones for CalMatters via The 74 Pushing back against the surge of misinformation online, California will now require all K-12 students to learn media literacy skills — such as recognizing fake news and thinking critically about what they encounter on the internet. Gov. Gavin Newsom last month signed Assembly

Facebook Whistleblower Claims Renew Calls for Section 230 Repeal. But Who Benefits?
Facebook is firmly planted in the hot seat this week, which, of course, means calls to repeal Section 230 are again at a fever pitch. But, there’s a lot of confusion over what and who the policy actually protects, and who stands to gain and lose in its potential reform.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Jesus Opens Up About his Struggles with Mental Illness After Supporting Trump
After millennia in the public eye, Son of God and Savior of Mankind Jesus Christ has begun to speak candidly about his struggles with managing addiction and Bipolar Disorder. “I’ve avoided this long enough,” the member of the Holy Trinity stated while levitating in a beam of golden light. “I

Guy You Met One Time Three Years Ago Invites You To Weird Facebook Event
by Ben Mangelsdorf Facebook user Keith Lightbringer, real name Keith Edwards, sent shockwaves through your Facebook feed Saturday evening by sending you an invite to an event called “AntAlien Presents: Cathedralasis / EGGTEEN.” Lightbringer, who you think you met at a 70s-themed party that a Tinder date brought you to

Fake News: How Lies and Hate Speech Inhibit Sensible Gun Control
We’re focusing a series of articles on the dangers of fake news. Today provides us with a hauntingly appropriate example of how misinformation puts lives at risk and works against protection efforts. Today, we’re talking about the detrimental impact fake news has on the topic of guns and gun control.

The War Has Evolved and We Are Losing
It was 18 years ago today when two planes crashed through the World Trade Center towers and killed nearly 3,000 people. The traumatic scene was aired on every news outlet across the nation. It would replay in real time every Sept. 11 morning after. It was a day that would

Fake Reviews, Woos & News: The Internet as a Vapid Wasteland
BY: KATE HARVESTON Fake News, Woos and Reviews: How Close Are We to the Internet Becoming a Completely Vapid Wasteland? The Internet may have its beginnings in military communications and university experiments, but the ‘net as we know it today is a social experiment. With next to zero ability to enforce

Bizarre Press Conference was Totally NOT Donald “Ranting and Raving”
I will be the first to say that this particular piece is an opinion piece. It is not “fake news”. (Although as we saw on Feb 16, almost anything can conveniently be shoved into that category.) It is simply a reactionary opinion piece written directly after watching an hour and