
16 Nov 2010

Cup: Coffee With Room For Trivia

You know what one of the signs that I just made up of what a great coffee place is? Consistency. You know what shop has more consistency than Goods and Second Stop COMBINED, even though it might not necessarily have as “good” of a coffee brand? That’s right: a little

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
09 Nov 2010

Don Pepe’s: Every Italian Stereotype Under The (Tuscan) Sun

Stop the presses. You know, harking back to a simpler, more innocent and racist time back when people printed things and didn’t blink an eye when both Irish and dogs weren’t allowed somewhere. Well, welcome back, Kotter, because I’m about to unveil one hell of a wormhole in the time/space

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
10 Jul 2024

This New Literary Magazine is a Gift to the People of San Francisco

I’ve got some awesome news! We received a grant from the Civic Joy Fund to put out a literary magazine celebrating SF and acting to counter the stupid “Doom Loop” narrative. It’s a gift to the people of San Francisco. And after months of working on this project it’s now available

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
09 Nov 2010

FREE Guilt-Free Pizza at Revd Up Pi

Yesterday I posted about Tiffin Wallah, one of less-than-a-handful of places in Murray Hill I’d ever expect to find myself. Cheapskates aren’t too welcome over in the far eastern 30s. In an unprecedented move by fate and fortune, I’m posting about the neighborhood again because the holiest of holies, FREE

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
08 Nov 2010

Demolish The Lunch Buffet at Tiffin Wallah

All You Can Eat. Those words bring up a lot of connotations, not all of them good. For some, they’re a challenge. For others, they mean a dump truck’s worth of mediocre food. For others still, they induce Vegas flashbacks. Well, my weary gamblers and skeptics, I come armed with

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
03 Nov 2010

Mug’s Alehouse, Reliably Good

So, I’m getting ready to take a quick breather from NYC. I should probably spend my last days enjoying my favorite places and people before I go, but instead find myself at two locations: my bed and Mug’s Alehouse. The first because I am about to spend 3 weeks staying

Jill S. 0
19 Oct 2010

FREE Screening of “The Goonies” with Cheap Beer

Ever wish you had all of Data’s cool inventions? Miss watching the truffle shuffle? Want to reconnect with your deformed man-giant childhood pal? Then have I got a show for you! Come down to Pacific Standard for a screening of the Goonies with cheap beer, delicious snacks, and it’s all

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
05 Oct 2010

Through Oct. 7th- Last Chances for Queens Restaurant Week

Friends! Cheapskates! Countrymen! Lend me your ears, for good news hath fallen unto the cheapest of boroughs. Queens Restaurant Week(s) is continuing into October, ending this Thursday. For all those too lazy to have attempted this in September, let my gratuitous exclamation points inspire you!!!! Basically, anyone who expects great,

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0
04 Oct 2010

Fresh Opinions on Sandwich Perfection at City Sub

In this divided world some topics will never reach grand consensus. The proper global economic model, the definition of art, what combination of disorders and fever dreams account for Lyndon LaRouche– all oft-debated and never concluded. The biggest one of all, though, may be what constitutes the proper sandwich making

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0