
Today Is Forecasted To Be The Hottest Day Of The Year
Much like a Nelly song, it’s about to get “Hot In Herre” Downtown San Francisco might hit 100 degrees on Tuesday. Roger Gass, a meteorologist with the NWS Bay Area, hinted that there’s a good chance we could see temps at 90 or even higher. A heat wave is rolling

7 Ways to Beat This Infernal Heat Wave
I tolerate the heat about as well as a hydrangea. Like many of you without air conditioning, I spent the last few days on my couch in my underwear with the blinds down, shades drawn, and a fan on full-blast aimed at my drooping tits. In Missouri where I grew

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

A Broke-Ass Guide to Beating the Heatwave
It’s going to be hot. Hot, like up to 100+ degrees in Concord kind of hot. For those out there without the luxury of air conditioning, heat like that can be miserable and debilitating for you and your pets. The best, and cheapest, ways to avoid getting sick from the

SF Woman is Completely Out of Hot Weather Clothes 4 days into Heat Wave
After several consecutive days of extremely hot weather aka heat wave in San Francisco, many SF residents are finding themselves completely out of warm weather outfits. “One or two hot days are fine, great even, but four days in a row!?” Exclaimed SF resident Sara MacDougal, “The only clothing options

Sunburns up 900% in San Franciso over Weekend
Record-setting high temperatures continued into Monday across the Bay Area. 2019’s first major heatwave broke the temp record for Monday June 10th with a high of 97 degrees in San Francisco, the high used to be 88 degrees (set in 1985). The normal high temperature for San Francisco on a