
08 Dec 2009

Four Boozy Bar Crawls

Having attended a state school, I know a thing or two about bar crawls. Granted I never participated in them, but sure enough every weekend, a crowd of matching t-shirts or some obscure theme would be dragging ass all over town all in the name of the almighty bar crawl.

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
03 Nov 2009

Soul Music and FREE Hennessey Tonight

Aw shit!  PST is at it again!  This time they are combining two of my favorite things in the whole wide world: FREE booze and soul music.  I know I say this every time, but PST might just be the best party in all of San Francisco.  They consistently do

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Oct 2009

Let’s Get Drunk and Sing: NYC Karaoke Guide

Karaoke is one of those things that either begins or ends your night.  You know what kind of night you’ve had when you find a ticket stub from Sing Sing in your pocket and you wake up on someone’s couch.  Just like bowling, Karaoke is one of those group activities

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
17 Aug 2009

Free Hennessy and an Outkast Tribute on Tuesday

Pacific Standard Time (PST) might be the best party in San Francisco.  There was that one time where they did FREE Farmer Brown food, and that other time when they did FREE Grey Goose and Curtis Mayfield tribute.  I get their emails every week for the Tuesday night party, and

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0