Homeless People

Mayor Lurie to Establish “Police-Friendly” Stabilization Center at 822 Geary
Seeming to fulfill his promise of opening a new shelter, Mayor Daniel Lurie announced plans for a “stabilization center” at 822 Geary. The center, part of Lurie’s Fentanyl Emergency Ordinance, is already drawing praise from Tenderloin safety advocates. It also received strong support from controversial D-6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey. With

Real-Life Miracle Occurs Aboard San Francisco MUNI
A miracle occurred on a San Francisco MUNI bus yesterday. On April 21st at approximately 7:30 PM, Reddit user Scoofy was nearing the end of a long journey. One reasonably expects a MUNI bus “chock full of folks from all walks of life” to be loud inside. It’s partly why

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Nasty New FB Page Makes Fun of SF Homeless People
Guest Post by Kate Torres There’s something to be said about Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint for which our city was named after. First off, this guy was a radical feminist who dedicated his life to the preservation of the environment. His ideologies weren’t far from the leftist

5 Survival Tips for Midtown Manhattan That Can Save Your Life
I hate feeling smothered. I detest the feeling of someone literally breathing down my neck. But most of all, I despise sharing the same pole on the train, because sooner or later that moment is going to arrive when someone’s hand slips and touches mine. Get the fuck away from