
10 Lottery Stories That Prove Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness
Playing the lottery — whether a scratch-off ticket or multinumber drawing — is exciting. You never know if you might win big. If you do, what would you do with the money? Perhaps buy a new car, pay off your mortgage or go back to school? When you win, it’s

What to Do If You Win the Lottery
Have you ever thought about winning the lottery? I don’t mean the weird gonzo shit you’d do, like hire a marching band to follow you everywhere playing Rock’n Roll part 2 while you strut down the street (tell me that doesn’t sound awesome). I mean the actual mechanics of how to

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

What Would You Do With A Bunch Of Money?
I’ve been thinking lately about what it means to have a lot of money. I am not a money-driven person so I am unsure of why people strive so hard to obtain it. I, instead, am a work-driven person. I thrive on achieving and growing as a person way

Win a FREE Haircut at Metamorphosis Salon
I wish I lived in a salon. Inspired by Sarah’s guide-to-cutting-your-own-hair post last week, I went digging in my really old and disgusting clear closet organizer thing where I knew an aging pair of shears were buried somewhere. See, I used to have bangs, and I would always cut my

We Have Thrift Off: Knickerbocker Avenue
Shopping at thrift stores is like playing the lottery. It can be extremely rewarding, but more often than not is just very frustrating and disappointing. Oh, look at that awesome shirt! What size is it? Damn, missed it by one number! I could have been style-rich! The odds in the

Broke-Ass Haiku: Winning The Lottery
So we at Broke Ass HQ, like many of you, often spend time shooting the shit and coming up with new ideas to make you laugh, cry, save money and live your life. The haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, is a beautiful and simplistic way to show your affection