
Is Mark Farrell Pro-Housing Or Just Pro-Developers?
Mark Farrell’s proposed policy to reduce affordable housing requirements in San Francisco has been criticized for not addressing the serious housing shortage and not providing enough funding for affordable housing projects.

StonesTown Mall To Be Converted Into Mixed Use Neighborhood
Did you know San Francisco has a mall? No, not the Westfield, but like a suburban ass, big movie theater-havin’, legit ass fucking mall. It’s called Stonestown and it’s a stone’s throw from SF State. Well, there’s some good news, the area is gonna get a shit ton more housing!

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

The Sunset’s New Skyscraper Drawings Look Hilarious
You may have heard of the new planned skyscraper coming to the Sunset (allegedly). Some are calling it “The West Side Stories”, and others “The Sunset Skyscraper”. The building’s architects submitted new renderings this week for the condo complex planned to be built across from the San Francisco Zoo in

American Steel Artists Speak About Billionaires Evicting Them
Just 5 years after being purchased by 11-West, one of our most vibrant and imaginative artist communities in Oakland will be emptied out by this summer. The community of large scale industrial artists, fabricators, builders, and makers at American Steel in West Oakland is readying themselves for an upcoming eviction.

Woodside Says Entire City Is A Mountain Lion Sanctuary To Avoid Poor People
Woodside, California, a wealthy Silicon Valley suburb in San Mateo County recently tried to block housing being built by saying the entire fucking city, is a wildlife sanctuary for mountain lions. Which is really fucking stupid. the California Attorney General shut them the fuck down with the threat of legal

The Eternal NIMBY vs YIMBY Battle Was on Full Display at the SF BoS Meeting
GUEST POST BY WESLEY WELLS We’re sitting through the San Francisco Board of Supervisors meetings and breaking them down for you so you don’t have to! Here’s the mini minutes for the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, August 11th, 2020. Full minutes available right here. Video and transcript available right here.

Win Tickets to 3rd Annual Steampunk Masquerade Promenade!
Dust off your top hat and hop in your favorite steam engine for the adventure and event of a lifetime with music, art and more! The Flaming Lotus Girls, alongside Airpusher and NIMBY, are bringing you the 3rd Annual Steampunk Masquerade Promenade. The event is a fundraiser benefiting the three