
A Certified Aromatherapist Talks Some “Scents” into the Bay Area
Hi and welcome to the BAS Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every Friday I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! How an Aromatic Lifestyle Makes More “Scents” Remember scratch-and-sniff stickers?

Dream Interpretation for Broke Asses: 10 Dreams and What They Mean to You, Probably
Last night I had a dream that involved a motorcycle; a swimming pool; a drunk, cheating, and grandpa-aged boyfriend; my grade school; a police chase; a lesbian encounter; and someone else’s severed body parts. Yes, I frequently have dreams just as non sequitur, and yes, I’m totally messed up, and