San Francisco
FREE Poetry Reading and Benefit for Haiti
Shortly after the tragic earthquake in Haiti this January, fund raisers and relief organizations were popping up left and right to lend a hand to the victims. While the hype seems to have tapered off, there is still much to be done to rebuild and aid those affected by the
Fritos and Champagne — FREE Art Opening Tonight at Adobe Books
There’s really just nothing to dislike about this art show. First, the opening reception tonight at 7pm is not only FREE to attend, but there will also be FREE food and drinks making the rounds. Second, it’s being held at one of the best used bookstores in the city, Adobe
I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute
I need your help to keep going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the
Earn Your Way to FREE Classes at the Crucible in Oakland
People who like Oakland seem to like it because they think it has a certain grit that the wine-and-cheese-shop-lined streets of San Francisco are be missing. Personally, I’m not a big fan of Oaktown and I cannot claim to be very Oaklandish, but every now and then there’s an event
Audio Heirlooms 5th Annual “Listening Party” on Sunday
Often, when someone has died or the realization dawns that the kids are no longer kids, people will lament that they had never pulled out a tape recorder to document all those little things and stories that happened back when. For five years, Evan Roberts of Audio Heirlooms has been
Taking The Emo Out Of Chemo Fundraiser — Come Out And Support This Friday!
Kelly Malone is one crazy motherfucker. A year ago when she told me she wanted to open up a “d.i.y. school”, I thought she was crazy. Sewing? Screenprinting? Beer? Terrariums? I thought that spinster crazies and Ready Made readers were the only ones who would be interested. But now that
A FREE Event to Avoid: Red Bull/Vodka Tasting at Eastside West
99% of the time, we here at BASGDWS like to share with you suggested things to do. Usually this is stuff we’d be going to anyway and we want you to come too because we love you and we’re all about reciprocation. (There’s also the theory that we’re a top-secret
This Week’s Events for the 5 Senses
Wondering what to do for fun this week? Feeling a little dead inside? Wake yourself up with an affordable event for each of the 5 senses! HEAR: The Noise Pop Festival invades the city this week. It features over 100 local and big names bands but you probably can’t afford
A Proper List of All the FREE Noise Pop Events
I originally wrote this for The Bay Bridged, but I figured it would be something you fine folks that visit this site would dig. So now go out and see some FREE shows! The Miracle of Noise Pop: 8 Days of Amazing FREE Events I’ve been really good so far