saving money

21 Jan 2011

Reasons Why You’re Broke – Library Fees

According to the New York Public Library my borrowed copy of The Best American Essays 2009 is a week late. Fines, so far, have amounted to a total fine of exactly one dollar, which I don’t plan on ever paying. This is because my local library caught fire last week,

17 Jan 2011

Save Money and Go Detergent Free

I’ll admit, I’m not the most eco-minded person out there. Sure I recycle and try not to chuck my empty soda cans at passerbys (like some neighborhood kids I know), but I won’t be starting a local composting group anytime some. Like most people, I’m somewhere in the middle. But

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 Jan 2011

The Biggest Little Rule for Gaming on the Cheap

Since the moment I was handed a Nintendo, my life has been a hazy, unfocused, and pixelated blur. I lived for games, inhaling campaigns, blasting through side-quests and poking and jabbing at my controllers with unparalleled abandon. And it was great. Whereas my father went outside and played “basketball” and

14 Dec 2010

Broke-Ass Guide to Being Sick

I am sick. It sucks. I feel like I have been thoroughly bitch slapped by whatever demon virus has invaded my body and after three days of quarantine, I see no signs of relief. Pity me now, please. The first day I started to feel it coming on, I hit

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
16 Nov 2010

Ways To Cut Costs This Holiday Season

The leaves are blowing around and the temperature is dropping, which means it’s time to celebrate the holiday season. You will overeat and drink too much, all which are fixable. But people are always looking at ways to cut costs around this expensive time of year. Here are a few

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
10 Oct 2010

Reasons Why You’re Broke – Booze

Though emphatic to the lifestyle and relative poverty of the average broke-ass, it is clear to us that the average broke-ass does not make life easy for his/herself. And we blame it all on the alcohol. Consider this: Take the average cost of the average beer at the average bar, and round

06 Sep 2010

Drink for Less on Summer Beer Markdowns

What do Moms, Coupon websites, and budget-savvy friends have in common? Innate common sense and a zealous impulse to share their advice. That being said, all of these sources of wisdom are always saying to buy stuff out of season. That girl with the killer wool coat she scored for

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
10 Aug 2010

We Are Family – The Trick to Cheap Cell Service

On the unending quest to find the cheapest way of living the fullest life,  some of the best solutions are often the most obvious.  Recently obsessed with upgrading to smartphone, the first ‘œbig girl’ phone of my life, the only reason I was even remotely able to achieve my wireless

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0