Why Americans Don’t Know How to Feel About Technology
There’s a large discrepancy between American opinions on technology. 25% of those surveyed said they would like a chip implanted in their brain to access the internet.
Why It’s So Important to Vote if You’re New to San Francisco
image from Bloomberg I was in a Lyft Line the other day. Since Lyft Line is the company’s carpool service, there was another stranger in the car, other than the driver. We’ll call her Madison since I don’t recall her name. Madison works in tech and I was telling her
The 90s Are Back! We Have Color Changing Shirts!
As 2024 winds down, we’re reflecting on another incredible year of sharing the stories, art, culture, and nightlife that make the Bay Area so unique. wouldn’t be what it is without you—our community of readers, supporters, and believers in independent media. This year, instead of asking you to join Patreon
Startups Hold ‘Clean Dolores Park Day’…But Did Anyone Show Up?
On Sunday, August 2, the San Francisco tech community attempted to make amends for the disastrous press they received last week from the mess left behind during a startup’s confetti filled party at Dolores Park. The official Facebook event was titled, ‘Startups Clean Dolores Park, and was intended for those within the
So Who Makes More, Taxi or Lyft/Uber Drivers?
Ok, let’s talk about the money… There is a common misconception that being an Uber/Lyft driver is more profitable than traditional taxi driving. The media likes to publicize reports, usually supplied by Uber and Lyft, that taxis are on the brink of becoming obsolete as these new app-based ride services continue to grow in popularity and take a larger
Your Startup Sucks: Love in the Time of Surveillance — is that a camera in my ring?
Here at Your Startup Sucks, we’ve been highlighting some of the most ridiculous shit out there on Product Hunt. Oh, there have been some classics, haven’t there? – Siri for Sex     – Date in a Box     – the app that reminds you to breathe This week we have three
Win Tickets to REAL 2015: ART+SCIENCE+TECH @ Fort Mason!
The site describes this event as a place “Where The Sensor Meets The Creator. A groundbreaking convergence of art, architecture, entertainment, engineering, health, heritage, media and manufacturing exploring the future of 3D, from reality capture to augmented reality, 3D digitization to 3D printing.” But, I honestly got distracted
How to Work in Tech and Still be a “Good San Franciscan”
I saw this image on my friend Tuffy’s Facebook page. He had taken it somewhere in the Mission and decided to share it. I thought “well this is gonna stir some shit” and then posted it on the Broke-Ass Stuart FB page. I had no idea just how much shit
Uber Sabotages Dozens of Tech Companies with Plot to Monopolize News All Week
Early Friday morning, Aereo, the tv streaming company that has battled long and hard against television networks to steal and re-resell programming to users, filed for bankruptcy. In the past, the company has captivated the attention of gossip-hungry readers everywhere. But after a week of world-class PR from the team at