
01 Nov 2011

Just shut up and write already! – National Novel Writing Month

By reading this site, you likely are always looking for awesome ways to live your life, so you have a story that needs to be told. But maybe you never imagined writing a book, or never thought you could. Listen, if Snooki can “write” a book, so can you. It

Robin Hardwick - Cost-Conscious Connoisseur 0
09 Jan 2011

FREE Svedka for “Being Human” Series Premiere

If the Twilight series has taught us anything, and it has clearly taught us so, so much, it is that being a sexy vampire or werewolf is a terrible hardship that ironically gets you no sex whatsoever. Unless of course you’re a happily married vampire — then you can have

Katy B. - Economic Inexpert 0
08 Oct 2024

The November 2024 BAS Voter Guide

A Big Change to This Year’s Voter Guide We’ve been doing voter guides for a really long time. I’m pretty sure we put our first one out in like 2010 or something. And I know that thousands of you rely on our voter guides to help you make decision. But

BAS Editorial Team 0
26 Oct 2010

Events for the Five Senses: Halloween Edition

Wondering what to do for fun this Halloween?  Feeling a little dead inside?  Wake yourself up with a FREE Halloween-themed event for each of the 5 senses! TASTE: At today’s Día de los Muertos-inspired Berkeley Farmers’ Market, get some delicious fruit and veggie wares, pies by Mission Pie, and Champurrado

Chloe - Pennywise Reporter 0
28 Sep 2010

What NOT to be for Halloween

It may seem a bit early to be musing on potential Halloween costumes, but if grocery stores can start selling marshmallow pumpkins in August, then I can do whatever the hell I want.  Selecting the right costume is a very delicate dance.  Finding a costume that both rules, and doesn’t

Alison Lambert - Half Price Headliner 0
01 May 2010

Brooklyn Lyceum Fair and Derby Day Party

Now that the weather is finally cooperating it’s time to slip on something revealing and finally expose your pallid extremities to some actual sunlight. Because let’s face it, pasty skin only sparkles in teen bop vampire movies. Lucky for you, this city is experiencing an influx of outdoor markets on

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
04 Mar 2010

5 Famous People Who Need to Disappear, Now

Nothing to me is grosser than TMZ, US Weekly or InTouch.  Not because I care about the privacy of supposed celebrities, but because every time you buy a copy of a tabloid or tune in to some TV show about celebrity gossip, you are feeding the beast.  Do we really

BAS Writers 0
28 Dec 2009

Things to Retire in ’09

I had promised myself I wasn’t going to do an end of the year list, but sometimes it’s important to acknowledge our low points in culture so that we may never repeat them again. 2009 had a lot of highs and lows, and of course Twitter and other social media

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
11 Jun 2009

Ten People Who Need to Go Away, Now.

The title of this post is pretty self-explanatory, I think.   So here are the top ten individuals who I wish would disappear from this earth or at least this country’s media coverage forever and ever and ever, starting right now. In reverse order, just like on Letterman!

BAS Writers 0