
06 May 2022

The Artist Behind San Francisco’s Hidden Mosaic Staircases

As a local, I’m sure you’ve had many a touristy friends ask you what locals-only hidden gems are worth seeing in SF. For me, I always suggest finding some of San Francisco’s not so hidden – hidden stairs. Their bright cheerful colors always brings a smile to your face and

Katy Atchison 0
20 Oct 2016

Why Everyone Should Work in a Restaurant

Everyone should work in a restaurant at least once. Ask any server, bartender, barista, cook, dishwasher, buser, greeter, and they’ll agree. It’s a conversation I often have with other people in the restaurant industry. This conversation is half bitching about customers (sorry not sorry) and half enumerating all the ways that working in a restaurant makes you a better person.

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0
27 Jul 2015

The 10 Oldest Bars in the World

Let’s go back 1,000+ years and explore history through some of the finest drinking establishments known to man. Do you like history, witchcraft, and booze? Well, this is the article for you.

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0
17 Mar 2011

Scavenge Your Way Through SF St. Paddy’s Day

Drink up before midnight, or else you’ll turn into a Leprechaun… Calling all Leprechauns…get your green on and go out and get your drink on. Green beers preferred, but just remember this – SF taxis are FREE til 3 am!  I can’t promise that the cab drivers will be anything

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
18 Mar 2010

A Prayer to St. Patrick

Dear St. Patrick, Please let me go somewhere fun on YOUR DAY. Please let me eat some of that awesome corned beef and cabbage that I love! Please let me find my green face makeup and shamrock necklace in my apartment somewhere. Please let my friends agree to go to

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0
28 Mar 2006

Hello Belfast, Goodbye Ireland

I tore into Northern Ireland’s capital like a mad man recently released from military service. My stretch of recuperation was done and I planned on letting this city do what it wished to me. The days are long here and I continuously wander among the marvelous architecture just trying to

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
15 Mar 2006

Rugged Shamrocks

Letterkenny, County Donegal; last stop on a blitzkrieg three day tour of the Republic of Ireland’s wild and untamed northwest. Three days prior, I pulled out of Galway in a brand new rent-a-car, pristine, like a new born baby in swaddling cloths. “Extra insurance?” the devil behind the car hire

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
01 Mar 2006

Glowing in Galway

I am glowing in Galway. I am in tip-top shape baby, hip, happening – there is something going on here. You don’t just walk down Shop Street, you glide. Galway has an energy that you can feel and you know, you know, that there is no place like it in

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0