Travel Writings

29 Mar 2016

Travel Tips Abroad: From Hanging Out to Getting High & Making Out

I travel quite a bit.  I tend to leave the country at least twice a year, and I almost exclusively travel alone. What can I say? I like the anonymity that travel provides- to be a stranger in a strange land can be a narcotic. A lot of the reasons

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets 0
22 Mar 2016

The Power & Politics In Bogotá’s Street Art Scene

I have been writing my name on shit since I was in high school. Nothing particularly inspired, mostly text but sometimes I do some stencil work. By and large I tend to identify as a garden variety vandal, not an artist. My awkward fumbling in the world of graffiti grant

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets 0
17 Mar 2016

Nose Candy Tourism : Visiting Pablo Escobar’s Compound

Travelling to Medellin Colombia and getting a tour by ex-police officers of the drug lords family home, torture chamber, & final resting place

Kit Friday -Mild in the Streets 0
01 Mar 2016

PROFILE OF A MODERN-DAY ADVENTURER: The ‘Fancy Feral’ Life of a Vagabond Fashion Model

Beautiful, polished, fashion model, also travels on a shoestring budget, sleeps outside, hitch-hikes, dumpster dives, and can handle roughing it. Meet Velocity, a modern day adventurer.

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0
09 Feb 2016

Terminate Flies with the Bug-a-Salt

I was in Alabama hanging out with some locals, where else but on a porch. The breeze stopped blowing and a cloud of flies descended on us. Wayne, the old man whose porch we were sitting on turned to his friend: ‘Get the gun,’ he said, with a dribble of

Cut-Rate Curmudgeon 0
24 Nov 2015

Dispatches From the Road: Getting Sloppy at Toms Leather Bar and la Esquina del Chilaquil

  My last day in the DF and, like so many mornings in this town, my eyes open to a criminal hangover. This cruda is beyond, and, suddenly, the cantina hopping and hanging in Toms Leather Bar until 4 am seem less legitimate without the strength of Ron Bacardi’s fortified

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0
16 Nov 2015

Adventures of Justin, The Most Interesting Man on Instagram

I’m on the phone with Justin Alexander. He’s calling from the roof of a Mexican restaurant where he’s bivouacking (sleeping under the stars) somewhere in the American Southwest. He explains that rooftops are ideal for urban camping. They provide safety and concealment and tend to pick up free wifi–tonight he’s

Cut-Rate Curmudgeon 0
13 Nov 2015

Nite Owl: Noche de Muertos In the Foothills

The weather has been indecisive since the day I arrived and today is no different. Heavy oversaturated thunderheads lean on the craggy edges of El Mordor: Mexico City. I’m not sure if it’s lightning I see in the corner of my eye, or my espantos arriving uncharacteristically early. Still, no

Stephen Torres - Threadbare-Fact Finder (Editor, San Francisco) 0