Travel Writings
An Artist You Should Know: Karla Ortiz
The “Artist You Should Know” series highlights local artists before they exhibit their work somewhere awesome, it’s our way of supporting the creative community and helping to keep San Francisco a strange and wonderful place. Meet artist Karla Ortiz, the concept artist of your nerdy dreams. If you’re like me (and I know
Artists you should know: Chris, Deanna and Mez of Tattoo Bogaloo
The reason why the sitcom Cheers became so popular was not, contrary to popular belief, Frasier’s sexy, sexy, sexy voice, but rather because it provided audiences with a fictional place where they could feel at home. This is one of the things that makes or breaks a business, and it’s
Why Don’t Europeans F***ing TIP?
OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE. HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM By Jake Hart Hello! Oh you’re visiting NYC from Europe? So that means you can afford the cost of getting on a flying machine from across an ocean to come tool around/spend money(yours or someone
The Weirdest & Funniest Insults from Western Europe
As the bard once said, everybody knows the first words you will learn in a foreign language are the bad ones. No, not ‘hello’, nor ‘goodbye’, nor ‘red’, nor ‘where is the bathroom?’. You are going to learn cuss words and colloquialisms for pee, poop, vagina, penis, prostitute, anus, and female
Why Everyone Should Work in a Restaurant
Everyone should work in a restaurant at least once. Ask any server, bartender, barista, cook, dishwasher, buser, greeter, and they’ll agree. It’s a conversation I often have with other people in the restaurant industry. This conversation is half bitching about customers (sorry not sorry) and half enumerating all the ways that working in a restaurant makes you a better person.
FiveThirtyEight Poll Confirms Hillary Clinton Is Antichrist
GUEST POST By: Satan, Prince Of Darkness Puny humans! My Antichrist is revealed in a recent FiveThirtyEight “polls-plus” forecast. As you can plainly see above from a recent FiveThirtyEight forecast, My great false messiah is revealed to be your Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring her complete victory over
Why site seeing is stupid and you should do cooler things in NYC
I’m on my way to NYC and I will not be looking up the skirt of the Statue of Liberty, shrinking my pupils at Time Square or going to the tippy top of the Empire State Building. Though I’ve always tried to do things that were less touristy, I’m now
Most Affordable European Countries to Travel to This Summer
How do I know this? Because I just damn did it! I just came home from three glorious months in Europe. So, where should you go this summer on the cheap!? Italy By far my favourite place in Europe at the moment. Why? 2 Euro wine. Yep. That’s $2.19