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A Great Little Scooter Tour of San Francisco

Updated: Jul 24, 2015 07:38
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This post is sponsored by the fine folks at Scoot, the cheapest & quickest way to get around the city

Have you seen one of those little red scooters driving around the city?  Of course you have, those are Scoots.  They’re electric scooters you can rent for $2 per half hour or $20 per day.  They’re all-electric, and by far the cheapest and quickest way to get where you’re going with a motor. The scoot app tells you where you can pick up a bike at any given time and they are seemingly everywhere, there’s 100+ rental locations in SF alone. There’s no motorcycle license needed, but for people who haven’t ridden a motorcycle or bicycle in the city, Scoot provides in-person lessons all over the place.  You can stop by and learn for free and there’s video tutorials online as well.

We teamed up with our friends at Scoot Networks to come up with a fun Broke-Ass Style driving tour of SF.  A tour ideally taken on an electric scooter, yeah man, an electric scooter.

First stop: Amoeba Music on Haight

All the way down Haight Street, just before you reach the park, you’ll find a music store that’s seen everything from 8-track and records, to the rise and fall of the CD-ROM. Wander the aisles and bins for a trip down memory lane.

Lunch spot: Sunset Reservoir Brewing Company on Noriega

Wind your way over to the oft-overlooked Sunset to a new gem on Noriega: the Sunset Reservoir Brewing Company. This restaurant & bar follows suit in the hipster variety of glossy wood & steel in a modest storefront on Noriega Street at 23rd Avenue. It’s not even marked, but you’ll know you’re there if you spot the Walgreens across the way. Once inside, gorge yourself on the reasonably priced lunch menu. Why is it so affordable? Well the Sunset has escaped the pernicious rent hikes of the rest of SF, hopefully it’ll stay that way. Be responsible: If you decide to imbibe in a brew, make sure you hang out for an hour or so and have some water, no drinking and scooting.


Rest your food baby with a view: DeYoung Museum, FREE Viewing Tower

Make your way into Golden Gate Park, riding up MLK Drive with the wind at your back has its own set of thrills. Park near the botanical gardens and walk in to the concourse where the DeYoung sits next to the Japanese tea garden. Head inside, but don’t buy a ticket, find the elevator to the viewing tower. Best kept secret in Golden Gate Park: it’s free to go up in the tower if you’re not there to visit the museum exhibits. Talk about a view we can get behind. Take in the sweeping view (fog or not, it’s pretty surreal up there) before heading to the next spot.

Make time for browsing: Green Apple Books on Clement

Find your way out of GGP so you’re Richmond-bound. Take any of the avenues up to Clement and head east down Clement Street until you find Green Apple Books among the Chinese grocery stores and dim sum joints. Hop inside for some reading inspiration. We recommend taking a look at the travel section, who doesn’t love a good daydream? Maybe pick up a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, you’ll want something to read at the next stop.

Afternoon pick-me-up: Jane on Fillmore

Get your caffeine fix at this sweet little shop on Fillmore Street in Pacific Heights. It’s a refreshingly low-key spot on a typically uppity street where everything is overpriced. Bargain buy: black tea. Finish off your day by dropping off your scoot at a location by your house and end your ride, easy peasy.

If you’re interested in signing up for Scoot, get the Broke-Ass discount (a extra hour free) with the promo code BROKEASS by signing up here. To join Scoot, the signup fee is $25 which includes your first month of membership, plus 3 hours of riding! This post has been brought to you by our friends at Scoot Networks.

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