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Win Tickets to Autre Ne Veut at Social Hall SF!

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Arthur Ashin is the American singer behind Autre Ne Veut. The name Autre Ne Veut is taken from an inscription in French on a 15th-century British dress ornament that is stored at The Cloisters and is translated to English as “I want no other.”

The title of Age of Transparency acts as Ashin’s commentary on the way we live our lives out in the open, and his music seeks to pull you through uneasy, emotional dregs with its every turn. But what once felt intimate has started to lean to over-exertion. Here we see what happens after the fireworks have burst, when its casing is left smoldering and you’re hoping for more. – Pitchfork

Autre Ne Veut at Social Hall SF | Sat, Oct 10, 2015 @ 9:00PM | Tickets can be purchased here

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