AdviceNewsReviewsSan Francisco

What to do in SF if You Don’t Celebrate Christmas

Updated: Dec 22, 2017 12:09
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news
From a Jew who knows a thing or two

Written by Corinne Avganim. Follow her SF shenanigans on Instagram and Twitter.

If you don’t already know, let me tell you: this city is MAGICAL on Christmas. Empty movie theaters and late-night Chinese food aside, it’s still probably one of my favorite days of the year. I love it so much. How much? Let me count the ways…

1. Parkinggg

Christmas is one of those rare days where the San Francisco parking gods are actually on your side. Since no one who lives here is actually from here, there’s a mad exodus starting the Thursday before Christmas – it’s like Burning Man on crack. SO. MUCH. PARKING. 

2. Line-Free Brunch (FACK YES)

I mean…do I even need to say it? Eating is our favorite. Especially when we don’t have to wait in one of those stupid lines that wraps around the corner because people have for some reason decided it’s cool (it’s not!). Skip the line at any of these fine establishments: 

222 Mason Street
(415) 394-1100
6:30a – 2:30p

Bisou French Bistro
2367 Market Street (Castro)
(415) 556-6200
9a – 3p

Fogo de Chão
201 3rd Street, Suite 100
(415) 427-0004

11a – 9p Trace
181 Third Street
(415) 801-5392
7a – 2p
Or…you know…just stoney Netflix and chill with the best bagels in town.House of Bagels
5030 Geary Boulevard
6a – 6p

3. Gelt-Free Adventures

Give your wallet a holiday breather with some city freebies.

Contemporary Jewish Museum
736 Mission Street
11a – 5p

Holiday Boats at Fisherman’s Wharf
300 Jefferson Street
10a – 10p

San Francisco Botanical Gardens
1199 9th Avenue
10a – 5p

And these spots are just a few of our city’s beautiful must-sees. You can always drive, bike or hike your way up to famous sites like Alamo Park, Coit Tower or Twin Peaks. Or just cruise around the fancier neighborhoods to scope all the lights. They’re dope.

4. Gelt-Worthy Goodness

If you’re willing to break out a few shekels ($), here’s where you should put them.

Enjoy the rink to yourself! Ice skating in the city is pretty rad, especially when you actually have room to move more than three feet at a time. The whole activity feels really surreal and out of place which adds a layer of gratification I can’t quite explain. You’ll just have to try it to see for yourself. 

Ice Skate Downtown
Union Square, Downtown SF
10a – 11:30p

Additional rink locations: Embarcadero CenterYerba Buena

Union Square Ice Rink


And if you’re one of the lucky ones who have Tuesday off from work, head over to The Make-Out Room to party it up at the 7th Annual It’s a Jewish Christmas dancefest hosted by DJ Matt Haze.

It’s a Jewish Christmas @ Make-Out Room
3552 22nd Street
6 – 11p

Can’t stop, won’t stop? Check out Broke-Ass Stuart’s calendar of events and enjoy a very Merry Christmas from all us BAS babes! 

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