San Francisco Hater, Charles Barkley, Donates $250k To Help The Homeless In The Tenderloin

San Francisco is a fashionable city to hate on. The media, including the local media, has done a phenomenal job of announcing to everyone who wants to listen that San Francisco is a high tech equivalent to Detroit with more dildos. While I would assume the dildo part to be accurate, San Francisco very likely has a higher per capita rate of fake cock ownership than the Motor CIty, any other un-dildo related comparison feels silly if you know anything about the history or economic environment in either place.
But the attention economy needs something to generate clicks, and many of San Francisco’s most visibly downtrodden areas are within walking distance to world renown tourist attractions. So naturally, hordes of untalented faux-journalists took to the streets and filmed people at their lowest point for likes. While it is disgusting, it’s oddly patriotic. There’s nothing more American than taking advantage of the weak in a vain attempt to make yourself rich.
But some of the haters are already rich, and when they talk shit, because of their status, it makes headlines without them shoving an iPhone camera into a homeless man’s gooch while asking “where’s the mayor?!?”
The first of these people would be Keith Lee. Keith Lee is ironically from Detroit, a city that can essentially be described as ground zero for deindustrialization and white rappers. Despite Detroit’s well documented despair, when Keith Lee came to the Bay, he, in my opinion, made a strategic decision to tell his audience the Bay is far too dangerous to eat a meal in. And the media reacted by giving him what I assumed he wanted: a lot of attention.
The second, and significantly more talented of the two already famous San Francisco defamers is Charles Barkley. Charles is a NBA hall of famer who would regularly go on anti SF rants while giving sports commentary.
Here’s one of many examples of Charles Barkley shitting on San Francisco:
However, it appears Mr. Barkley has experienced a change of heart. The NBA was in San Francisco for All-Star Weekend, and while the NBA was partying in the Bay, Mr Barkley not only volunteered to help the homeless in the Tenderloin, he gave Glide Memorial Church, an organization that works to combat poverty and homelessness in the area a $250,000 donation.
San Francisco’s not perfect, there are problems. Downtown hasn’t fully recovered from the Pandemic, and there are some streets that are undoubtedly unpleasant. But I have to give Mr. Barkley some kudos for actually putting his money where his mouth is. If you’re talking shit about San Francisco, and you’re legitimately able to help, then fucking help.
And to be fair, San Francisco is a lot larger than Downtown. Despite the dystopian reputation San Francisco has received, most of the city, with a few notable exceptions, is so fucking rich and privileged, it’s actually kind of annoying. I’ll take crackheads over a $15 piece of avocado toast any day of the week.