
28 Dec 2015

Weird Ways to Make Money Online

From Selling your knowledge to selling your hair, we all need a little extra cash sometimes. There are several ways you can utilize your smartphone or your computer to obtain that little extra oomph for your budget.

Guest Writer 0
28 Dec 2015

Help Fight Homelessness at the St. Francis Homelessness Challenge

With it being this cold and wet outside I can’t help but think about our homeless neighbors who are sleeping in the streets. City Hall doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it, but luckily some people are being proactive. Read the press release below and get involved:  On January 2,

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
27 Dec 2015

All Over Coffee By Paul Madonna


I woke up to darkness and a headache. I could hear a man and a woman having a heated conversation and the air smelled heavily of incense and Patchouli.

22 Dec 2015

We’ve Got Your Tix to The Big One feat. The Flaming Lips, Ratatat, Gramatick, Geographer & More!

Five, four, three, two, ONE!  These are the final words we hear before we launch into a fresh journey on January one. At that last moment, with all voices shouting that singular “ONE” we experience, for a rare fleeting moment, a true unity, community, singularity, and ONE-NESS. Another Planet Entertainmentand HUSHconcerts are proud

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
22 Dec 2015

The 10 Sexiest Star Wars Characters of All Time

We scoured the galaxy, polled Star Wars fans, aggregated chat room data, and came up with a list of the sexiest star wars heroes and villains of all time

Pat 0
21 Dec 2015

Titties and Fried Chicken at the Gold Club

“Come on Stuart. Titties and fried chicken. How can you, of all people, say no?”

They were cajoling me via Twitter. There’s probably some hip slang for that, twijoling maybe, but I don’t know what it is. Regardless, Mik, Ed, Dottie, and Cait were really giving it to me. And of course I caved.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
21 Dec 2015

12 Christmas Gifts for Writers

This piece originally appeared, in part, at Writers are hard to shop for. Our tools are simple but we can be hopelessly picky about them–I don’t know how many wide-ruled legal pads I’ve re-gifted–we already have all the books, and the things we really want you might not be

Cut-Rate Curmudgeon 0

Gimme Your Stinkin' Email

So I can send you awesome freebies, weird events, incredible articles, and gold doubloons (note: one of these is not true).


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