Hey Poets: Win $50 and Get Published
Have you always thought of yourself as a poet but never told your friends because you thought they’d call you a pussy? I hope not, because that would be pretty tragic. But whether you fall into the category or not, I’m here to tell you that you could actually get
Yoga at MOMA and Pauly D at Sutton Place
I’ve got your Saturday riiiiiiight here: You wanna relax? You wanna commune with your inner self? You want to stretch muscle fiber, sinew and the fabric of your mind by participating in that most ancient of mind-body arts underneath the shadow of a dessicated whale carcass? Well, look no further
Upgrade Your Comfort Foods: Cereal is for Stoners
I’ve probably had more bowls of cereal in my life than any other meal. (If you consider it a meal, even.) But this isn’t because my mom didn’t love me enough to get me toaster strudel when I was a kid. Actually, I think I really tipped the scale around
Ryan’s Famous “Am I Gay?” Litmus Test
As a full blown queer living in San Francisco, a shocking number of my straight friends have confided in me that they’ve had homosexually charged erotic fantasies. From what I’ve observed, it appears as though everyone has had at least one secret experience that made them feel a little faggy,
Ice Skate at Prospect Park for FREE
A while ago, Christine suggested ice skating at Bryant Park as a cheap date activity, and I completely agree. Date or not, strapping blades to your feet, gliding around trying to avoid pulling a Bambi is one of the most fun things in NYC during the winter. I actually hadn’t
Crazy Cheap Martinis at the Cliff House
I’m pretty sure everyone in SF knows where and what the Cliff House is – that art deco building out on the far point of the city over looking the Ocean and the ruins of the Sutro Baths. But being the cheapass that I am, I’ve never eaten there because
Caveat Emptor: Strategies of Counteraction
Everyone has had those times where you agree to go shopping with your friend, and you promise yourself you’re only going to buy one thing that you actually need, only to come home and discover that in addition to the thing you really needed, you’ve also purchased 3 purses for