Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up

19 May 2015

Ask A Grown Up: Ex Sex And How To Avoid Dating Assholes

Good afternoon, Broke-Asses! So, here’s something personal about me: I’m married. To an awesome guy who loves me and treats me well and encourages me to follow my dreams. His name is Paul. He is British (ie: sexy as fuck) and my very favorite person in the world, besides my

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
12 May 2015

Ask A Grown Up: Fuck, I Have to Find a New Roommate!

Broke-Asses: As I have mentioned before, one of the really unusual aspects of living in an expensive city like San Francisco, New York or London (often reputed to be the most expensive cities in the world*) is that well after college and the young professional years, denizens of said cities

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
07 Aug 2024

The Fun Things To Do On Alameda Island

We got to the East Bay in 20 minutes & never worried about traffic, a bridge toll, parking…or any other hassle. Our only concern was drinking in the beautiful views on the SF Bay Ferry.

05 May 2015

Ask A Grown Up: Let’s Have A Quickie This Week!

Broke-Asses: I want to have a quickie with you… right now, right here on the Internet. Let’s do this shit! Here are five questions with quick answers for you to consider and peruse. (And, don’t forget – if you have a burning question you need a grownup to help you

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
28 Apr 2015

Ask a Grown Up: Oops, I Fucked My Roommate!

Happy Tuesday, Broke Asses! One of the really weird things about living in expensive cities, such as San Francisco or New York, is that long after college and your early 20s, most adults –even the ones who are gainfully employed and doing well for themselves– end up having roommates. And,

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
21 Apr 2015

Ask a Grown Up: What Can I Do About The Boss From Hell?

What’s up, Broke-Asses? How’s your work week going? As sure as the sky is blue and that there are 24 hours in each day, everyone has had a B.F.H. (Boss From Hell) at some point in their working life. This can be tricky: Your gut reaction might be to go

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
14 Apr 2015

Ask a Grown Up: What the Hell is Social Security, Anyways?

Welcome back Broke-Asses!  Hang onto your hookahs, this week’s column will seem TL;DR, but these 1,500 words are critically important to your future well being (and, ability to afford a private nurse to change your poopy Depends™ far in the future).  That’s right!  We’re segueing from talking about faking boyfriends

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
07 Apr 2015

Ask a Grown Up: Can I Fake a Boyfriend?

Hello you young, broke and beautiful readers! Welcome our new weekly column, “Ask a Grown Up” in which you can ask and have your most burning questions answered by a grown up. I am Kate, the supposed “grownup” offering you advice – think of me like a crazy, tattooed, older

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0