New York

22 May 2009

Memorial Day Weekend in NYC

Last night I went to a SaveFashion event sponsored by Refinery29. Like “Save the Whales”,  Save Fashion is dedicated to supporting and protecting the noblest and most preyed upon  of creatures: the New York Fashion Designer. There was a bunch of  complimentary Alize and Amstel Light and deep discounts on

BAS Writers 0
22 May 2009

Free Communication with eHarmony This Weekend

Until a few days ago I thought I was dwelling on the bottom floor of a dietary basement: rice burritos twice a day, occasionally with salsa and sour cream. Then, one dreary noon, I fell through the weak foundation into a secret cellar and found myself stooping over a ramen

21 May 2009

Free Burning Man Documentary

As one of the rubes who has never experienced Burning Man, I have had to rely on a mental image that has been shaped by 1st hand accounts, a general idea of human perversion, and movies like Mad Max: Thunderdome.    But, here is how a they put it: “Burning Man

21 May 2009

50 % Off Dinners at Cafe Brama, Still

For April I wrote about a deal at Cafe Brama whereby they took 50% off your dinner check because it was the restaurant’s anniversary.  Well, like Ozzie  and sweet Warcraft commercials, they are still rocking it.    Here is an uninformative excerpt from the original post with details below.  

20 May 2009

NYC: Sit Your Ass in the Grass

New York is currently in the midst of an on-again off-again springtime. Temperatures have vacillated wildly and we’ve had several chilly rainy days lately, which sucks and has me dreaming about the 88 degree weekend from a few weeks back.  Since New York only has about five habitable months per

BAS Writers 0
20 May 2009

“Boozin’ and Tomfoolery” And Cheap Wowch

Big, galactic high-five to MyOpenBar (which I’m always ready to give) for listing tonight’s sarty (sale-party) of Wowch stuff at I Heart.   I don’t actually care about the clothes, but the Wowch seems to be a legend.  I’m not talking about whatever cultish fame he/she ( I don’t even know!)

19 May 2009

$1 Beer and Free Comedy @ Underground

I went to this awesome comedy night last week.  If this recap doesn’t stoke your fire you must be made out of diamonds, in which case I’ll pawn your ass.  I’d be there again tonight, but I’m learning how to bartend in Queens from a Spainard who worked in Ibiza

18 May 2009

Get Discounts @ Groupon with Collective Buying Power

  I didn’t see that slight incline, scuffed my foot, and stumbled upon a website that has a featured discount everyday.   The only problem is, the deal isn’t guaranteed. Other people (ugh) also have to get on board and commit to the deal, hence the name Groupon. Don’t worry though,