SF Bay Area

19 Mar 2020

A Bay Area Family Infected with Coronavirus Tells Harrowing Story

If you still think coronavirus is a distant threat, please read this story about a family who has been living with the virus since March 1st in the Bay Area. The reported number of Covid-19 cases in California as of March 18th was 869. But the actual number of infections

19 Mar 2020

Tenant Info: The Government Response to Evictions During this Pandemic

Many people are already feeling the economic crush of shuttering businesses, and the decrease in customers. While this continues to be a developing situation each day, lawmakers on the federal, state and local level have turned some attention to the question of evictions.

18 Mar 2020

Restaurants and School Districts Step Up to Feed People During Coronavirus Crisis

In trying times such as what we’re nationally and globally experiencing with the coronavirus threat, our friends, families and neighbors will all need our help from time to time, and there is no better way to help than to feed those who are hungry. There are a handful of Bay

17 Mar 2020

COVID-19 Brings Havoc, Delays to Democratic Primary Vote

We are having an election literally in the middle of a pandemic, and 765 delegates worth of votes in the Democratic Primaries have had their primary dates moved back because of the coronavirus shutdowns and precautions. Now NBC reports that it’s entirely possible that “today’s Democratic presidential primaries in Arizona,

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
11 Mar 2020

More Than a Dozen Bay Area College Campuses Cancel In-Person Classes

Several college campuses around the Bay Area have shut down in-person class instruction in an effort to reduce spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Though most campuses have not reported any confirmed cases, administrations are understandably concerned for the student body, faculty and staff in confined, poorly ventilated,

10 Mar 2020

Coronavirus Cancellations Financially Devastating For SF Performers and Nightlife

The COVID 19 outbreak has already led to a ban on public events at SF city-owned properties, the sudden cancellation of SXSW, and Coachella was just postponed this afternoon. But those big-money, corporate sponsored events can take the financial hit. For performers, event organizers, and nightlife venues in San Francisco,

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
10 Mar 2020

Local News Site Hoodline Acquired By Nextdoor

An interesting development has hit the San Francisco news scene, and it’s great if you prefer your news to be aggregated by robots, but troublesome if you want genuine, fact-checked news from human journalists. BrokeAssStuart.com has learned that the popular local new site Hoodline has been acquired by the neighborhood

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
10 Mar 2020

Meet The Free, Public Hand-Washing Stations Popping Up Around SF

While the Trump administration stammers and golfs through the widening coronavirus outbreak, the city of San Francisco is offering a novel solution. Free and public hand washing stations have been placed on various street corners around San Francisco, like the one we saw above at Haight and Ashbury Streets, to

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0