SF Bay Area

18 May 2020

San Francisco Retail Shops Reopen Today with Curbside Pickup

While this obviously doesn’t hold the same joy as browsing the stacks for an hour before finally deciding what to buy, it’s a great opportunity to support a local business while we wait for things to more fully open up.

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
14 May 2020

SF Art Orgs & Mayor Breed Ask Congress for Aid to the Arts

Mayors across the US, guided by 15 or so San Francisco arts organizations and Mayor London Breed’s office, wrote to Congress this week, asking the Fed to step up it’s support for the arts. The SFS thanks Mayor @LondonBreed, the SF Arts Alliance, & this group of 22 additional mayors

13 May 2020

Veritas, SF’s Biggest Landlord, Received PPP ‘Small Business’ Loan…& They’re Not Returning It

This isn’t the first shady thing that Veritas has done, not by a long shot. They’ve ‘allegedly’ harassed longterm, rent controlled tenants in order to try to get them out. They’ve ‘allegedly’ charged obscene rent increases to “cover rising maintenance and operations costs”. They’ve ‘allegedly’ maintained squalid building with lead-contaminated water and broken elevators. They’ve even ‘allegedly’ threatened to sue a housing nonprofit for a Facebook post they didn’t like. And that’s just the stuff people have been brave enough to speak out about. Just imagine all the other nefarious things they’ve gotten away with because people have been afraid they might lose their housing if they spoke up. Allegedly…of course. 

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
12 May 2020

New CA Guidelines to Reopen Restaurants, Malls, & Offices

Update: The mayor announced Wednesday that 95% of businesses can reopen for pickup and delivery business on Monday. Gov. Gavin Newsom announced modifications to the statewide stay-at-home order this afternoon (5/12) to allow more businesses in California to reopen, including dine-in restaurants, shopping malls and offices. So as long as

12 May 2020

From The Bay to Palestine & Back, How Grand Coffee Became a Mission Staple

East Bay to Palestine, Palestine to San Francisco: How Nabeel Silmi built a coffee staple in the San Francisco Mission.

11 May 2020

A Goodbye to My Friend Bear Vasquez, The “Double Rainbow Guy”

Bear Vasquez passed away yesterday after a number of years of poor health. Bear was a virtual friend of mine for 5 years. I had first seen him through the Couchsurfing networks and groups of Yosemite, where he lived and then I saw him interviewed on Broke-Ass Stuart’s Kinda Late Show in 2015 and it made me want to meet him even more than I had already as a fellow active couchsurfer. So I contacted him about coming to stay at his place sometime.

Guest Writer 0
08 May 2020

California Partially Reopens Today

Earlier this week Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California would begin partially reopening on May 8th. And guess what, that’s today! So what does that mean? Good question! Today marks the start of Stage 2 of Newsom’s 4 part plan to reopen California. This stage consists of allowing lower risk businesses

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 May 2020

UC Study Shows Awful Treatment of SF Gig-Workers by Employers During Pandemic

In a study conducted by researchers at UC Santa Cruz, which included in-person interviews with hundreds of San Francisco gig-workers beginning in February, followed up by several more surveys with gig-workers through the pandemic ‘shelter in place’ order, reveals an incredible view of our ‘essential workers’ during a pandemic. The