
How to Shut Down Cat Callers This Summer, Without Losing Your Cool
Temperatures and hemlines are rising — which means it’s catcalling season. Days are longer, and tempers are shorter. Instead of taking all that frustration out on your loved ones, unload on someone that deserves it – like men who make women uncomfortable in public. If you’re a woman over thirteen

The Amazing Catcalls I’ve Heard in San Francisco
Offensive and off-putting, catcalls are oftentimes a daily part of a woman’s existence. Especially younger women like myself. What gives men the idea that this is something they should do to try to seduce a woman I don’t know. It must work for some of them sometimes, or maybe they like the reaction they get (maybe they get off to the disgust, anger, or freaked-out grimace of the pursued woman)…I’ve never stopped to ask my cat callers, and I don’t think I ever will.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Listen Up! Catcalling Won’t End Overnight
As a man, I didn’t need to see the catcalling video by Hollaback! to know that women are frequent victims of verbal harassed on the street. I’ve seen it. I’ve heard it. To be honest, I had become so numb to the act that I’ve laughed about it. I laughed,

A Guide to Fighting Street Harassment: How Bystanders Can Best Intervene on Behalf of Women Being Harassed
Enough is Enough street rally, image courtesy Street harassment in the Bay Area has gotten so bad that women are putting duct tape on their mouths, removing their clothes in public and holding silent protests with signs recounting the ugly and awful remarks male aggressors make to them on

A Piece About Catcalling from a Man’s Perspective
“Why’d you let that ripe piece of ass get away?” There were 20 of them. Big fuckers. No like BIG fuckers. And they were drunk too. They were standing on the corner of Broadway and Columbus, outside the pizza place, with boxes of that greasy stuff. They were commenting on