Drinking Games

A Survival Guide to Eurovision, Europe’s Magical Singing Contest
The United States is known to be a country of immigrants, many of which originally were broke ass Europeans. Perhaps due to the country’s comparatively recent existence, born and bred Americans will often claim their roots in the Old Country. If, like me, you feel the need to flee towards a

Beer Olympics Every Friday Night at Horizon
You probably won’t get the chance to blaze your way to Olympic glory like Carl Lewis or Usain Bolt. No, you’re slow, out of shape, and certainly didn’t do well in the genetic lottery. And you drink too much beer. But instead, you can get a chance for Olympic-ish glory

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Fun: Drinking Games
The other night I was hanging out with my 21-year-old intern that seriously brought me back to the good old days – when what you drank didn’t matter, it was the quantity that counts. The type of night when two people can devour an 18-pack of Tecate in a couple

SPOILER ALERT! They all die.
Leo, Leo, Leo…where do I begin? I love me some Leonardo DiCaprio. My passion for him ignited in a little film called Romeo and Juliet, and has yet to fade. The only time I don’t want to marry him and have lots of sexy babies is during the spitting scene

Hoes Weising Hoes – Getting Your Friends To Drink Budweiser
It took Bros Icing Bros about two weeks to go viral and spawn the spin-off, Hoes Weising Hoes. The Encyclopedia Brotannica and the BroBible declared that women can’t fairly get iced because they actually like the taste of Smirnoff (hence why it’s called “bitch beer”), so the only reasonable alternative

Bros Icing Bros: Making Your Friends Drink Smirnoff Ice
Fridays at my office (and I’m assuming all offices) are generally spent counting down the minutes until the weekend officially starts. We typically use alcohol to pass the time over here, but you can only hide so many kegs in a conference room closet that you paid for with a

Ten More Parlour Games!
I promised you more parlour games this week, and I aim to please. Here are 10 more parlour games to play on those cold, wintry nights. 1. Darling, If You Love Me Players sit or stand in a circle with an ‘œit’ in the middle. Saying the phrase ‘œDarling if

How Bout Them Apples?
I discovered Apples to Apples like we all do – at a dinner party, post dinner, with the wine a-flowin freely! Initially Apples to Apples sounded more like a 4th-grade grammar lesson than a game to me, but judge not lest ye be left out on your too-cool-for-school ass! Laura