
28 Jun 2021

A Matchmaker Talks About Finding Love After the Pandemic

Hi and welcome to the BAS Weekend Wellness Column! My name is Erynne Elkins and I’m a Well-Being Advocate and Certified Breathwork Facilitator. Every Friday I’ll share a holistic wellness modality available here in the Bay Area. Cheers to good health! The Geometry of Dating “Life has changed. I call

Erynne Elkins Chief Well-being Correspondent 0
07 Apr 2017

Where’s Everyone in Their 20s in Marin?

“My coworker says there’s no such thing as ‘the North Bay’.” I remember when my friend Stephanie told me about this weird argument she’d had and being absolutely galled because, at the time, I was living in San Rafael. (Plus, the North Bay is Craigslist official). But here’s the thing…

06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
18 Nov 2015


OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE.  HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM SECOND ANNUAL SURVIVING THANKSGIVING IN SF ON A $30 BUDGET In last year’s Thanksgiving in SF on a $30 Budget, I showed you how you could create a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for you and your friends

illyannam 0
14 May 2015

Gifts For Broke-Ass Babies

Is it just me, or is social media a complete babyfest lately?  Everyone is popping out kids.  Your boss, your best friend, your sister.  And shockingly, they’re all expecting a gift.  They might say they’re not, but they are. You’ll probably end up getting something uninspired.  Not because you want

Andrea Scout - Not Your Mom's Mom 0
12 May 2015

Ask A Grown Up: Fuck, I Have to Find a New Roommate!

Broke-Asses: As I have mentioned before, one of the really unusual aspects of living in an expensive city like San Francisco, New York or London (often reputed to be the most expensive cities in the world*) is that well after college and the young professional years, denizens of said cities

Kate Rice - Supposed Grown Up 0
17 Nov 2014

6 Things That Would Happen on the Modern Day Re-Boot of Friends

Yes, broke asses, your childhood is becoming more and more of a distant memory. A new television season is in full swing. It is fall season right now, and as we celebrate new and returning shows, like Gotham—and all of its intimidating posters splattered across all of Manhattan—Friends became 20 years old.

Freddie Cosmo - Associate Debtitor 0
24 Oct 2014

The City That Was: Kill Your TV

Last week I had dinner with my old friend and roommate, “Chad Mulligan.” Unlike a lot of my Cacophony friends, “Chad” likes staying out of the limelight, but then, he doesn’t write, either—a task for which you’d better get some limelight, or a day job. Hanging with him reminded me

P Segal - Bohemian Archivist 0
25 Apr 2013

FREE Fitness in NYC: Now Shameless!

Quick quiz for my ladies: Your idea of working out most resembles: A) Fergie in – what else – her “Fergalicious” music video B) Hannah jogging – er, attempting to jog – in Girls C) Kristin Wiig and Maya Rudolph’s characters in “Bridesmaids” You probably answered “C” because you’re reading

Rene Beight - Femme Frugale 0