funny stuff

Hazzah! The NorCal Renaissance Faire is Back
Thou must go on an adventure! The Northern Californian Renaissance Faire has returned. The festival started last weekend and will be open weekends through September and October. During the opening weekend of The NorCal Ren Faire, my friend Vita and I decided to take the trek down to Hollister and

Happy 20th, Kilowatt! The Life & Times of SF’s Favorite Punk Rock-Sports-Biker-Pool Dive Bar
Today’s the 20th anniversary of the The Kilowatt! Or as my hot biker roommate used to call it back when it was her pick-up bar for tattooed punk rock guys, “The Kill-Your-Twat”. The beloved Mission neighborhood dive bar institution turns 20 years old Monday, having opened August 4, 1994. Drinks will