Galapagos Art Space

NYC Giveaway: Corey Dargel & Craig Wedren’s Chamber Pop Music
While the term chamber music is usually used to describe Mozart, Beethoven and our classical music icons, this genre has been creeping its way back into our modern musical lexicon under the guise of “chamber pop”. I used to think I knew every sub genre of indie music there was

Tweet to win FREE tickets to ‘Orpheus & The Plastic Masquerade’
If your other half is anything like mine, he or she hates contests like this. Because if you win, it means they’ll have to turn off “Operation Repo,” spray some Febreze on a button-down, and watch people dance around on a stage while resisting the urge to stuff dollar bills

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

FREE Food, Pigskin and Pin-Ups All Day
As someone who normally avoids football at all costs, but also has a secret love of hot wings, the Super Bowl is a conflicting event for me. I enjoy the festive atmosphere and flowing beer but not so much the fist pumping and sporadic yelling. But the Who is playing

Floating Kabarette Tonight
There is something extremely sexy about the prospect of attending an event where a lady by the name of ‘œLegs Malone’ will perform. Galapagos Art Space presents its next installment of its flagship series Floating Kabarette tonight, and the event is FREE to the first 100 attendees. (And a mere

Floating Brothel: A Show at Galapagos
Remember the first time you heard about Australia being populated by British convicts? I was convinced I was being lied to. But no, the all-male British penal colony of New South Wales existed, and somewhere along the line they decided to start sending female convicts there too. Guess the ladies

COMICS in Bryant Park, Cheap FILM FESTIVALS, and a HEALTH CARE PARTY this Week!
COMICS PANEL – Word for Word Series in Bryant Park Sometimes I want to avoid Midtown at all costs. When it is hot, it seems hotter there. When it is humid, it seems that all things stick a little bit better there too. However, us broke-asses can’t always choose where

FREE “Pink Slip Party” At Galapagos Tonight
This post is for the truly Broke-Ass. The ones who are broke because they have no income, and have no income because they have no job. You’ve felt alone, lo these many nights. Sending resume after cover letter after desperate plea into the cyber-abyss of Craigslist, and and

FREE Floating Kabarette at Galapagos
What is the difference between a stripper and a cabaret dancer? About 30 lbs. At least, so goes the stand-up joke. Annnyway, there is so much free stuff going on today and tomorrow it seemed difficult to choose based on pure merit, so I took into consideration a little