Hot Dogs

Broke-Ass Recipes: Beer Dogs
by James Conrad. Legend has it that the phrase “hot dog,” referring to the sausage usually made of beef and/or pork and commonly served on an oblong roll, was coined by newspaper cartoonist Thomas Aloysius “Tad” Dorgan around 1900. As the story goes, he observed this delicacy being sold during

The 12 Craziest Things You’ll Find at Foods Co.
Please note: This piece is not meant to make fun of the people who shop here. It’s to humorously draw attention to the unhealthy and ridiculous ways poor people are marketed to. Incredibly strange grocery outlet Foods Co has existed here more than 10 years, offering broke-ass-friendly prices on an

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

10 Iconic Foods Invented or Perfected in New York
My best friend came to visit a few weeks ago and he had never been to New York City. I panicked as to how to fit in a full experience in just a few days. Then I realized the best way to submerge yourself in any new place is through

Why Bernal is the New Mission
As the Marina-esque gentrification gradually extends south from Lombard to Valencia, the usual watering holes of the service industry professional have been polluted by the bridge and tunnel crowd that now, more then ever, frequent the Mission. Many of the safe havens and bolt-holes with no line to the bathrooms/bar/venue

Are You A Hot Mess? Here’s a Quiz to Find Out.
We all know someone who is a hot mess of a person. Is that person you? Are your friends secretly wishing you’d just die already? Is even your sweet, loving Nana ready to take you out back and beat you like a dirty rug? Take this handy quiz to find

FREE 4th of July Hot Dogs at FrankenArt Mart
Eat Your Way Through National Hot Dog Day 2012! As Jennifer Coolidge once so eloquently cooed, when it comes to the Fourth of July, it’s hard not to think about a hot dog. Whether, it be beef, pork, poultry, or soybean makes no difference, you have to have

Let’s Be Frank: Wieners Rule!
Why does everybody gotta hate on the wiener? Wieners seem to have gotten a bad reputation in the past – being only deemed worthy of being eaten at little kids’ parties and baseball games. Okay, that sounded really perverted…what I mean to say is that Let’s Be Frank has given

FREE Hot Dogs and Rock ‘n’ Roll
I find hot dogs to be one of the most disturbing forms of meat, second only to sausage. But when times are tough, you take food where you can get it — not to mention slammin’ beats and cheap booze. Luckily, Hot Dogs & Asteroids on the first Tuesday of