
How to Cheaply Repair You CDs and LPs
It doesn’t matter if you’re a die-hard vinyl purist or, like me, way too attached to your giant wall o’ CDs to give ’em up, either way you want to make those treasured tunes last. And there are a variety of ways to do this, both spendy and broke-ass. When

What NOT To Play Back At Your House
So you’ve successfully nabbed your date back to the old pad. Instead of filling the noise with an endless stream of your unstoppable chatter, it’s probably a good move to throw some music on. This can be tricky, because you don’t want to come off as sleazy, lame, or just

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Cheap Punk Rawk in Oakland
Do you like to rawk? Are you looking to blow off some steam after sitting at a desk for forty hours in the last five days? If you’ve answered ‘Fuck yes!’ to any or all of these questions, have I got an event for you!! Tonight at the Stork Club

Record Store Day 2010 — FREE Show & Special Releases!
Saturday, April 17th is Record Store Day 2010 — YAY MUSIC! Taking place the third Saturday in April every year, Record Store Day was created in 2008 to laud all the awesome independently-owned record stores that are still around. Why this means fun times for you and me: Musicians generally

Catch A Rising Star In Brooklyn
Everyone knows the secret to hob-nobbing with celebrities is to begin doing so before they are famous. The difficulty arises in trying to identify who is on their way up and who is on their way out. One gal who is destined for greatness is singer, songwriter and alchemist, Candice

Michigan Has Great Music! (Or, Good for Something Other than Euchre!)
I only know a few things about Michigan, and I have to say, I’m not too impressed. I know there are some lakes around it, the weather is shitty, guys from Detroit are assholes, cars are made there, and part of it’s shaped like a mitten. Something I can’t dispute,

Humpday Video: Goldfrapp “”Rocket”
We here at Broke-Ass Stuart remember a kinder, gentler, funkier time when there was an entire network devoted to playing awesome new music videos. Men named Pinfield and women named Idalis would introduce block after block of original music videos from various genres interspersed with interviews with musicians and video

Humpday Video: Spring is Almost Here: “It’s Oh So Quiet”
We here at Broke-Ass Stuart remember a kinder, gentler, funkier time when there was an entire network devoted to playing awesome new music videos. Men named Pinfield and women named Idalis would introduce block after block of original music videos from various genres interspersed with interviews with musicians and video