
09 Jul 2024

7 San Francisco Staircases You Should Probably Walk Up

San Francisco is thick as fuck. As in it’s got hills, but if any city could be described as having a fat ass, it’s San Francisco. And sometimes when walking the streets of San Francisco, normal sidewalks simply don’t suffice. These staircases not only provide practical solutions for navigating the

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
13 Dec 2023

What San Francisco Looks like from a Visitor’s Perspective

“I really like this city,” Camille says as she, Kayla, and I sit in our kitchen eating Brussels sprouts and bacon. It’s Camille’s last night in San Francisco after spending a week with us. Camille and I met 13 years ago in a hostel in Galway, Ireland. I was working

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
07 Aug 2024

The Fun Things To Do On Alameda Island

We got to the East Bay in 20 minutes & never worried about traffic, a bridge toll, parking…or any other hassle. Our only concern was drinking in the beautiful views on the SF Bay Ferry.

08 Nov 2023

Pier 23 Cafe is The Perfect Place to Awkwardly Dance With Tourists

Things can get weird at Pier 23. It sometimes seems like all the forces in the universe collide there causing a perfect storm of what San Francisco should be like to those outside looking in. It’s a seafood joint, on the Embarcadero, with live music, a full bar, plenty of

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
31 Jan 2023

National Geographic Lists San Francisco As A Top Travel Destination For Families

The World can’t seem to make its mind up about San Francisco. Is it a fentanyl filled hellscape where used syringes and piles of human poop litter the street and wait for an unlucky passerby to step on them like a landmine? Or is it a promised land of prosperity

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
15 Sep 2014

Why San Francisco’s Indian Summer is Better Than Real Summer

  San Francisco’s weather is something people like to talk about…ad nauseam. I find that places that have very little change in weather, and for the most part are fairly temperate, tend to be the places where people talk about weather the most. This fair city falls into this category

Lachlan Bray - Broke-Ass Bartender 0
22 Jan 2013

7 Best Places To Pick Up Tourists in San Francisco

This amazing drawing that sums up SF’s tourists perfectly comes from Lets face it — you’ve wanted to go there. You’ve wanted to have your cake and eat it too. There was never a moment where you thought maybe, just maybe, it might be totally exciting to get it

Monica Miller - The Intern 0
16 Jun 2011

Thoughts on Traveling Alone

Even Einstein was a self-professed “lone traveler”. You’re in a strange town or city all by yourself. Maybe you’re “on business” (Doesn’t that sound douchey?) or attending a mandatory family reunion. Either way, chances are your Holiday Inn room smells like human piss, and you may or may not have

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler 0
24 Nov 2010

Watch the Inflation of the Macy’s Balloons for FREE

I feel like a bit of an asshole for saying this, but I can go my entire life without seeing the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in person. Standing on a sidewalk with swarms of tourists in the cold cuts into my time for gluttony, napping, super family fun time and yelling

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0