
01 Mar 2017

NYC’s Early Picnic Season Actually Horrible Omen

Usually, we have until late April before the local anomaly of people wearing shorts and tee shirts inappropriately takes place. It’s a fun NY tradition; we make fun of their optimism and are rewarded with smug laughter when they end up stuck in a blizzard, desperately trying to hail a

Tiana Miller 0
20 Feb 2017

The Best Anti-Trump Protest Signs

By Mar-Li Pitcher  You know the saying that every cloud has a silver lining? I mean, unless Trump is president, in which case we’re all fucked? Since Republicans were somehow hypnotized by Trump’s rhetoric and allowed Trump to be their candidate, it’s been nothing but an onslaught and a descent

Guest Writer 0
17 Feb 2017

Bizarre Press Conference was Totally NOT Donald “Ranting and Raving”

I will be the first to say that this particular piece is an opinion piece. It is not “fake news”. (Although as we saw on Feb 16, almost anything can conveniently be shoved into that category.) It is simply a reactionary opinion piece written directly after watching an hour and

Tiana Miller 0
16 Feb 2017

A Guide to Activism With No Pink Hat

With the “Age Of Trump” upon us, it feels as if the world could fall apart at any moment. That part is not great. BUT. What is great is that many people are finally mobilized to take action on the issues that matter to them. Whether it’s protesting at the

10 Feb 2017

The KKK Sucks At The Internet (and fact checking)

What can you say about the Klan that hasn’t already been said? Ignorant.  Hateful. Cowards. Murderers. Terrorists. So their websites must be the goddamn worst. BUT you’d be surprised how much some, like The Loyal White Knights of the KKK, are ODDLY WELCOMING. To a point. But maybe they’re just

jakeh 0
02 Feb 2017

After The Women’s March, Now What?

The Women’s March in NYC the day after the Inauguration was monumental. By now you’ve heard about the unity, solidarity, and strength felt by many as they participated in the march with hundreds of thousands of other similarly-outraged people–250,000 people, approximately–and millions more in cities across the country and the

Lana A. 0
01 Feb 2017

We Have More Important Evils to Resist than #DeleteUber

#DeleteUber went viral this weekend in the wake of DT’s Muslim Ban, as people posted on social media screenshots of them deleting their Uber account, urging others to do the same. Trends like this may seem to be positive actions in the resistance against DT’s dystopian presidency. However, there are

Neek Carmella 0
01 Feb 2017

Immigration Ban Ends America As We Know It

JFK airport erupted this weekend as Trump’s travel ban left many across the globe stranded or facing the mid-air shock that upon landing they would be placed in detainment instead of with loved ones. Here’s how it happened and an investigation into what so many new border walls, both concrete and

Tiana Miller 0