Arts and CultureBoozeSan Francisco

Clement St. Pub Crawl: Forget Outer Richmond, It’s What’s Inside That Counts

Updated: Aug 21, 2009 19:59
The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news
If youre as lucky s this guy, youll pass out drunk and wake up with a new tuxedo

Outer Richmond is charming and gorgeous. You’ve got the beach and the nice plump caboose of Golden Gate park at your fingertips. But if there’s anything my best friends have taught me, it’s looks don’t matter and beauty is skin deep. What really counts? Inner Richmond.

When hearing the words “Inner Richmond,” It’s easy to turn up your nose and head to the Mission. But don’t hail that cab quite yet. Inner Richmond may be one of this city’s best untapped resources. After all, it’s home to possibly the best restaurant in the country, Burma Superstar.

If you’ve yet to venture into this territory, here’s your opportunity to get a drunken grand tour. The 1st Annual Clement Street Pub Crawl is happening tonight! It starts at Dirty Trix and will take you on a whirlwind of debauchery including Rockit Room, The Plough and Stars, 540 Club, Ireland’s 32, Abbey Tavern, biker’s paradise The Buckshot, and more.

Hop on board and soak up all the benefits of your snazzy bracelet that will score you exclusive drink specials at each stop. Plus, there’s no fear of a DUI that’s always a total buzz kill!

Clement St. Pub Crawl
Leaving from Dirty Trix
408 Clement St. [Between 5th and 6th Ave.]
Starting at 4pm

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Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst

Ryan Miller- Depleted Resource Analyst

Ryan Miller was raised in a small, quaint village named Portland, Oregon before spontaneously packing two suitcases, scrounging up $300 and catching a flight to San Francisco. Judging from his garbage, he is a connoisseur of Sun Chips and rather inexpensive wine. His personal goals are to refrain from hailing and accepting rides in random cars as well as greatly reduce the amount of hugs he provides for the homeless community. While touring Jamaica and prompted for his opinion on the prevalence of TB in third world countries, Miller eagerly asked, "They have Taco Bell here?"