FREE Booze and Music at the Alite Launch Party
I had completely forgotten about the Alite Launch Party until I saw Monica post this on facebook:
dj’s + urban forest + free booze + dog lounge + live screenprinting + sex charades = why would start your friday night anywhere else? come check out SF’s urban camping company and their goods.
I couldn’t agree more! I wanna be there! Here’s what the Facebook invite has to say:
With deejays spinning tunes to make you move, bartenders handing out icy cold beer, and the The Workshop pressing out screen-printed t-shirts for your viewing and wearing pleasure, this is a party you won’t want to miss.
ALITE Designs is launching its Spring ’10 line and throwing a party to introduce SF to it’s new digs. Come check out all our cool new products, hang in our urban forest, drink some beer, and enjoy the sounds of DJs Mother Barry, Spinnerty and Bozak.
Play a game of sex charades, take a picture in the photo booth, or win a free pack or dog product in one of the other contests that evening. Any animals lovers should bring their pooch along'”Alite will have a special dog lounge replete with treats and bowls for you and your four-legged friends.
First 25 to arrive get a free t-shirt.
Alite Launch Party
Alite Design Studio
2505 Mariposa btw York & Hampshire Sts.
[The Mission]
Friday 3/19
FREE Booze and lots of other stuff