Arts and CultureNew York

Gary Lucas and Bruno Galindo FREE at BamCafe

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

The good folks at Flavorpill say “Called 'œthe thinking man’s guitar hero' (The New Yorker), Grammy-nominated guitarist Gary Lucas is best known as the front man of Gods and Monsters and co-composer of Jeff Buckley’s anthem 'œGrace.' Catch him at BAMcafé Live with renowned Spanish author and spoken word artist Bruno Galindo for an otherworldly evening of psychedelic guitarscapes and electronics fused with dramatic spoken word readings.”

That may not sound like the wildest Friday night of your life but if you’ve never experienced music in the beautiful BAMCafe, with its retardedly good acoustics and its absolutely amazing vaulted high ceilings, perhaps tonight you should.  Have a couple drinks and get the weekend going in the most thought-thinkingest way possible.

BAM Harvey Theater, 651 Fulton St at Lafayette Ave
Brooklyn, NY

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BAS Writers

BAS Writers

BAS Writers is mostly a collection of articles written by people for the early days of this site. Back then nobody knew that snarky articles they were writing could come back and haunt them when job searching a decade later.